2010.04.25 Austria, Lower Austria, district Lilienfeld (near Fensterbach, Halbachtal, with Petasites hybridus; 520 m AMSL).At first sight I almost thought that this might be a hybrid with a quarter (or even less) of a parent of P. vulgaris (because the flowers are so big); but looking closer I now don't think so - I'd say that's simply P. elatior; especially as I couldn't find any evidence of P. vulgaris being present there (and a hybrid with P. veris - which is growing in the same habitat - would not show bigger flowers, quite the contrary). (Still, P. vulgaris is the first one of those to flower - and the first one to wither away too, so it might well be that it is present there.)German name: Gewhnliche Wald-Primel, Himmelschlssel