
Diagnostic Description

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Amambay, Caaguazú , Canindeyú , Cordillera, Guairá , Itapúa , Misiones, Paraguarí , San Pedro, “Paraguay” (s. loc.) (ALWC, BMNH, IFML, INBP, LACM, MCSN, MHNG MZSP, NHMB, NHMW). Literature records: Amambay, Canindeyú , Cordillera, Guairá , Itapúa , Misiones, Paraguarí , San Pedro, “Paraguay” (s. loc.) (Forel 1895, Forel 1906, Wild 2003).

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bibliographic citation
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

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Brasilien (Mus. C. Vienn.), Rio Janeiro (Novara) und eben daher in meiner Sammlung.

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bibliographic citation
Mayr, G., 1862, Myrmecologische Studien., Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, pp. 649-776, vol. 12
Mayr, G.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

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Worker. Length 6 1/4 lines.-Black, subopake. Head very delicately striated longitudinally; the mandibles bent, and crossing at their apex, having a few elongate scattered punctures, and their inner margin denticulate. Thorax oblong, the sides flattened, the disk slightly convex, and longitudinally striated, the oblique truncation of the metathorax transversely so; the apical joints of the tarsi rufo-piceous; the anterior tarsi and the tibiae beneath, clothed with ferruginous pubescence; the legs with a few short scattered ferruginous hairs, the calcaria ferruginous. Abdomen: the node of the peduncle incrassate, elevated to a level with the first segment of the abdomen, rounded above; when closely applied to the abdomen, forming apparently the basal segment; the apical segment with thin pale pubescence, and having an elongate naked shining narrow space in the middle; the abdomen thinly sprinkled with erect ferruginous hairs.

Hab. Rio. (Coll. Rev. Hamlet Clark.)

This species resembles the crassinoda of Latreille, but is at once distinguished by its smaller size, its striated head and thorax, and by the lateral margins of the latter having a sharp edge.

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bibliographic citation
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.
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Plazi (legacy text)