Pentatrichomonoides is a trichomonad flagellate (18-45 µm) with five anteriorly directed free flagella and a recurrent flagellum forming an undulating membrane. Anterior flagella arising from a gullet. Cell shape changeable, cigar-shaped, and truncated posteriorly or broadly triangular. Costa and undulating membrane often recurved posteriorly. No central axostyle, parabasal of variable shape. One species known at the time of writing - Pentatrichomonoides scroa from Mastotermes darwiniensis and Glyptotermes dudleyi. Pentatrichomonoides scroa from Mastotermes darwiniensis with undulating membrane and subjacent costa (immunofluorescence).
Scanning electron micrograph showing a slender form and a stumpy form with 5 anterior flagella and a recurrent one associated with an undulating membrane. Photograph from A. Breunig. More details in Brugerolle G., Breunig A., König H.(1994) Europ. J. Protistology 30, 372-378.
Pseudotrichomympha are hypermastigids of large size (300-500 µm) with a rostrum bearing long flagella separated from the post-rostral part which is covered with flagella arranged in longitudinal or oblique rows. Axostylar filament in the anterior half of the body, central nucleus. At the time of writing, with about 20 species occurring in several termites such as Coptotermes, Heterotermes. Pseudotrichonympha hertwigi from Coptotermes acinaciformis (phase contrast).
Pseudotrichomympha are hypermastigids of large size (300-500 µm) with a rostrum bearing long flagella separated from the post-rostral part which is covered with flagella arranged in longitudinal or oblique rows. Axostylar filament in the anterior half of the body, central nucleus. At the time of writing, with about 20 species occurring in several termites such as Coptotermes, Heterotermes. Pseudotrichonympha hertwigi from Coptotermes acinaciformis (protargol).
Pseudotrichomympha are hypermastigids of large size (300-500 µm) with a rostrum bearing long flagella separated from the post-rostral part which is covered with flagella arranged in longitudinal or oblique rows. Axostylar filament in the anterior half of the body, central nucleus. At the time of writing, with about 20 species occurring in several termites such as Coptotermes, Heterotermes. Pseudotrichonympha hertwigi anterior rostrum (interference contrast).
Pseudotrypanosoma is a trichomonad flagellate with four anterior flagella and a recurrent flagellum associated with a conspicuous undulating membrane, but no free terminal portion. Undulating membrane reaching the posterior end sustained by a thick and contractile costa. Axostyle of moderate diameter and with a terminal bulbous expansion. Parabsal body very long and branched. The most known species is P. giganteum occurring in Porotermes adamsoni. Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum from Porotermes adamsoni long cell (phase contrast)
Pseudotrypanosoma is a trichomonad flagellate with four anterior flagella and a recurrent flagellum associated with a conspicuous undulating membrane, but no free terminal portion. Undulating membrane reaching the posterior end sustained by a thick and contractile costa. Axostyle of moderate diameter and with a terminal bulbous expansion. Parabsal body very long and branched. The most known species is P. giganteum occurring in Porotermes adamsoni. Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum from Porotermes adamsoni stumpy cell (phase contrast)
Pseudotrypanosoma is a trichomonad flagellate with four anterior flagella and a recurrent flagellum associated with a conspicuous undulating membrane, but no free terminal portion. Undulating membrane reaching the posterior end sustained by a thick and contractile costa. Axostyle of moderate diameter and with a terminal bulbous expansion. Parabsal body very long and branched. The most known species is P. giganteum occurring in Porotermes adamsoni. Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum from Porotermes adamsoni anterior part showing anterior flagella, the recurrent flagellum associated with the undulating membrane, the subjacent costa and the nucleus (phase contrast).
Pseudotrypanosoma is a trichomonad flagellate with four anterior flagella and a recurrent flagellum associated with a conspicuous undulating membrane, but no free terminal portion. Undulating membrane reaching the posterior end sustained by a thick and contractile costa. Axostyle of moderate diameter and with a terminal bulbous expansion. Parabsal body very long and branched. The most known species is P. giganteum occurring in Porotermes adamsoni. Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum from Porotermes adamsoni undulating membrane and subjacent costa (immunofluorescence).
Scanning electron micrograph showing the undulating membrane.
Scanning EM showing the anterior flagella and the undulating membrane.
Scanning EM showing the anterior flagella and the undulating membrane.
Spironympha are spirotrichonymphids with a spindle-shaped body and spiralled flagellar rows that do not reach the posterior end. Nucleus penetrating into the columella or distant from the anterior rostrum. Axostyle arising around or above the nucleus, composed of several sub-axostyles forming a single axostylar trunk or several separated fibres. Spironympha kofoidi from Reticulitermes flavipes or its junior synonym R. santonensis. It is a large spindle-shaped cell of 45-73 µm in length, the flagellar lines occupy the anterior half of the body. The nucleus is situated at the base of the rostrum far from the top of the cell and sometimes at the middle of the cell. There are two, three, four or five flagellar rows that are coiled together in the rostral zone and that spread at the nucleus and terminate near the middle of the cell. The axostyle arises at the base of the nucleus and forms a thick axostylar trunk protruding at the posterior end. Differential interference contrast.
Spironympha are spirotrichonymphids with a spindle-shaped body and spiralled flagellar rows that do not reach the posterior end. Nucleus penetrating into the columella or distant from the anterior rostrum. Axostyle arising around or above the nucleus, composed of several sub-axostyles forming a single axostylar trunk or several separated fibres. Spironympha kofoidi from Reticulitermes flavipes, with two or five flagellar rows, nucleus and axostylar trunk (immunofluorescence).
Spironympha are spirotrichonymphids with a spindle-shaped body and spiralled flagellar rows that do not reach the posterior end. Nucleus penetrating into the columella or distant from the anterior rostrum. Axostyle arising around or above the nucleus, composed of several sub-axostyles forming a single axostylar trunk or several separated fibres. Spironympha kofoidi from Reticulitermes flavipes, with two or five flagellar rows, nucleus and axostylar trunk (immunofluorescence).
Spironympha are spirotrichonymphids with a spindle-shaped body and spiralled flagellar rows that do not reach the posterior end. Nucleus penetrating into the columella or distant from the anterior rostrum. Axostyle arising around or above the nucleus, composed of several sub-axostyles forming a single axostylar trunk or several separated fibres. Spironympha kofoidi from Reticulitermes flavipes, with two or five flagellar rows, nucleus and axostylar trunk (immunofluorescence).
Spirotrichonympha are spirotrichonymphids with a spindle-shaped body (11-200µm) and a rostrum with a columella. Spiralled flagellar rows genrerally reaching the posterior end and which are underlain by dot-shaped dictyosomes. Axostylar trunk composed of a bundle of sub-axostyles protruding posteriorly. Spirotrichonympha flagellata from Reticulitermes lucifugus grassei (interferential contrast).
Spirotrichonymphella - spirotrichonymphid flagellates, the only species described S. pudibunda from Porotermes adamsoni or P. grandis has a spindle-shaped body (40-100µm) and five flagellar rows reaching the posterior end. The nucleus is situated far from the anterior end and the columella is well-marked. There is no axostylar trunk and the dictyosomes of the Golgi are concentrated at the base of the nucleus. The cytoplasm is filled with spherical food vacuoles; pinocytic nutrition. Spirotrichonymphella pudibunda anterior mucron, spherical food vacuole filling the cytoplasm (interference contrast).
Spirotrichonymphella - spirotrichonymphid flagellates, the only species described S. pudibunda from Porotermes adamsoni or P. grandis has a spindle-shaped body (40-100µm) and five flagellar rows reaching the posterior end. The nucleus is situated far from the anterior end and the columella is well-marked. There is no axostylar trunk and the dictyosomes of the Golgi are concentrated at the base of the nucleus. The cytoplasm is filled with spherical food vacuoles; pinocytic nutrition. Spirotrichonymphella pudibunda anterior mucron, spherical food vacuole filling the cytoplasm (interference contrast).
Spirotrichonymphella - spirotrichonymphid flagellates, the only species described S. pudibunda from Porotermes adamsoni or P. grandis has a spindle-shaped body (40-100µm) and five flagellar rows reaching the posterior end. The nucleus is situated far from the anterior end and the columella is well-marked. There is no axostylar trunk and the dictyosomes of the Golgi are concentrated at the base of the nucleus. The cytoplasm is filled with spherical food vacuoles; pinocytic nutrition. Spirotrichonymphella pudibunda cell completely covered with flagella, anterior pseudo-rostrum bearing flagella and spirochetes, nucleus situated far from the anterior tip (Giemsa staining).
The genus Trichomonas includes polymorphic parabasalid flagellates (5-30 µm) with four free anteriorly directed flagella and a short recurrent flagellum associated with an undulating membrane shorter than the body; no free posterior recurrent flagellum. Costa relatively slender, axostylar trunk protruding posteriorly; parabasal body V-shaped with one or two long parabasal filaments. Amoeboid and polymastigotes forms present in natural or culture conditions. Several species living in the genitor-urinary tract of humans such as T. vaginalis, the mouth such as T. tenax or in the instestine of birds such as T. gallinae. This is Trichomonas vaginalis with four anterior flagella, undulating membrane, posterior axostyle, nucleus (Giemsa staining).
The genus Trichomonas includes polymorphic parabasalid flagellates (5-30 µm) with four free anteriorly directed flagella and a short recurrent flagellum associated with an undulating membrane shorter than the body; no free posterior recurrent flagellum. Costa relatively slender, axostylar trunk protruding posteriorly; parabasal body V-shaped with one or two long parabasal filaments. Amoeboid and polymastigotes forms present in natural or culture conditions. Several species living in the genitor-urinary tract of humans such as T. vaginalis, the mouth such as T. tenax or in the instestine of birds such as T. gallinae. This is Trichomonas vaginalis with four anterior flagella, undulating membrane, posterior axostyle, nucleus (Giemsa staining).
The genus Trichomonas includes polymorphic parabasalid flagellates (5-30 µm) with four free anteriorly directed flagella and a short recurrent flagellum associated with an undulating membrane shorter than the body; no free posterior recurrent flagellum. Costa relatively slender, axostylar trunk protruding posteriorly; parabasal body V-shaped with one or two long parabasal filaments. Amoeboid and polymastigotes forms present in natural or culture conditions. Several species living in the genitor-urinary tract of humans such as T. vaginalis, the mouth such as T. tenax or in the instestine of birds such as T. gallinae. Image of Trichomonas vaginalis with short undulating membrane, posterior axostyle, nucleus (Giemsa).
The genus Trichomonas includes polymorphic parabasalid flagellates (5-30 µm) with four free anteriorly directed flagella and a short recurrent flagellum associated with an undulating membrane shorter than the body; no free posterior recurrent flagellum. Costa relatively slender, axostylar trunk protruding posteriorly; parabasal body V-shaped with one or two long parabasal filaments. Amoeboid and polymastigotes forms present in natural or culture conditions. Several species living in the genitor-urinary tract of humans such as T. vaginalis, the mouth such as T. tenax or in the instestine of birds such as T. gallinae. Image of Trichomonas vaginalis with four anterior flagella, a recurrent flagellum associated with an undulating membrane, axostyle (Immunofluorescence with an anti-tubulin antibody).