Description: Small Epicoma sp., perhaps near Epicoma pontificalis Rosenstock, 1885 (left) and Epicoma melanospila (Wallengren, 1860) (right), to MV light, Merimbula, NSW, 14/15 January 2014 I can't find a really good fit for the moth on the left. Marriott, Moths of Victoria, Part 2 suggests that pontificalis is close, but the white edge to the yellow spot differs from the dark edge on all pontificalis images I have seen. Date: 15 January 2014, 02:49. Source: Epicoma sp. and Epicoma melanospila. Author: Donald Hobern from Copenhagen, Denmark. Camera location36° 49′ 58.42″ S, 149° 55′ 18.49″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-36.832894; 149.921804.