Figure 29.Holotype and epitype of Leptospermum ericoides var. lineare Kirk. A Holotype of Leptospermum ericoides var. lineare Kirk, illustration t.69 (f.2) in Kirk (1889) B Epitype of Leptospermum ericoides var. lineare Kirk (WELT SP029435). Scale bar: (A) 10 mm.
Figure 30.Distinguishing features of Kunzea linearis. A Flowering branchlet (ex cult. AK 287881) B Fruiting branchlet (ex cult. AK 287881) C Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (ex cult. AK 287881) D Adaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 287881) E Abaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 287881) F Adaxial leaf apex (ex cult. AK 287881) G Leaf margin indumentum (ex cult. AK 287881) H Leaf variation: (H1) Surville Cliffs (Glabrescent form, AK 287872), (H2) Surville Cliffs (Hairy Form) (AK 287955), (H3) North Island, Te Paki, Taumatatotara Flat (AK 287953), (H4) North Island, Houhoura Harbour, Perpendicular Point (AK 211064), (H5) North Island, Karikari Peninsula, Lake Waiporohita (AK 287886), (H6) Waipapa Stream (AK 288775), (H7) North Island, Raetea Forest (AK 206328), (H8) North Island, Waipu Cove Road (AK 287889), (H9) North Island, Northcote, Ahatawapa (AK 288766), (H10) North Island, Hauraki Plains, Waikumete Stream (AK 286054) I Flower (top view) (ex cult. AK 287881) J Flower and hypanthium (side view) (ex cult. AK 287881) K Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (ex cult. AK 287881) L Style and stigma (ex cult. AK 287881) M Stamens (ex cult. AK 287881) N Dehisced fruit (ex cult. AK 287881). Scale bars: (A, B, H) 10 mm; (C–F, I–N) 1 mm; (G) 0.5 mm.
Figure 31.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea linearis. (A–E all AK 287954) Branchlet indumentum F–H Seeds (AK 206336). Scale bars: (A, C, F) 1 mm; (B, D, E, G, H) 100 μm.
Figure 32.Kunzea linearis. A Kunzea linearis sprawling form developed on windswept ultramafic rocks, North Island, North Cape Scientific Reserve, Surville Cliffs, (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Coastal shrubland developed on steep turbidite cliffs, North Island, Auckland, Waitemata Harbour, Kendal’s Bay (photo: P. J. de Lange) C–D Decumbent shrub form developed on ultramafic soils North Island, North Cape Scientific Reserve, Surville Cliffs, (photo: P. J. de Lange) E Adult plant exhibiting the erect growth habit usually seen throughout range, North Island, Te Aupouri Peninsula, Te Kao, (photo: P. J. de Lange) F Adult tree showing ascending, plumose branching pattern; North Island, Auckland City, Western Springs (photo: P. J. de Lange) G–J Bark showing the characteristic tessellated pattern and lunate flakes typical of this species, North Island, Auckland, Waitemata Harbour, Kendal’s Bay (photo: P. J. de Lange) K Spiciform botrya of Kunzea linearis showing buds with the distinctive erect calyx lobes, North Island, Karikari Peninsula, Lake Ohia (photo: J. E. Braggins) L Flowering spiciform botrya of Kunzea linearis, note position of petals and presence of active vegetative growth at inflorescence apex, North Island, Karikari Peninsula, Lake Ohia (photo: J. E. Braggins).
Figure 33.Distribution of Kunzea linearis.
Tentative i.d.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla. Flowers on adjacent plants in the field - long styled (short stamens) on left; short styled (long stamens) on right.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla. Two dissected flowers - long styled (short stamens) on left; short styled (long stamens) on right.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla. Glandular pubescence.
synonym = Aliciella heterostyla