Description: English: A–C. Trichinium exaltatum (Nees) Benth. = Ptilotus exaltatus Nees D, E. Trichinium siphonandrum Diels = Ptilotus siphonandrus (Diels) Schinz = Ptilotus auriculifolius (A.Cunn. ex Moq.) F.Muell. Date: 1905. Source: Diels, F.L.E. & Pritzel, E.G. 1904. Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae occidentalis. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pflanzen Westaustraliens, ihrer Verbreitung und ihrer Lebensverhältnisse. Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 35(2-3): p. 189 Author: Friedrich Ludwig Diels (1874–1945). Permission(Reusing this file): : This file comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. Deutsch | English | español | français | italiano | македонски | Nederlands | polski | +/−.
Description: English: Ptilotus exaltatus Nees in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Date: 10 September 2015. Source: Own work. Author: Timothy Hammer.
Description: English: Tall Mulla Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus From Petheram & Kok (1983) (Mulla Mulla) is apparently not grazed by cattle, but is eaten by horses as a last resort. This was seen at the end of the Department of Defence road along (and to) the Angalarri. Date: 14 August 2009, 15:09:32. Source: Author: Margaret Donald.