Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Anoplodactylus gestiens (Ortmann)
Phoxichilidium gestiens Ortmann, 1890:166, pl. 24: figs. 8a–d.
Anoplodactylus gestiens.—Utinomi, 1971a:325–326 [literature].—Nakamura and Child, 1982:289–290 [text], fig. 4.—Child and Nakamura, 1982:292– 296, fig. 1.—Nakamura and Child, 1983:46.—Nakamura, 1987:15–16, pl. 12.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—HOKKAIDO: SE of Akkeshi Bay, 42°41.8′N 145°08.9′E, 400–479 m, KT83–11, sta B15, 11 Jul 1983 (2 with eggs, 1, 29). HONSHU: Sanriku-oki, E of Otsuchi, 39°11.4′N 142°11.5′E, 430–435 m, KT84–9, sta SR4, 12 Jul 1984 (1, 1 1 juv); 39°14.8′N 142°10.3′E, 333–354 m, KT85–11, sta SR13, 14 Aug 1985 (l, 3). Sagami Bay, 35°00.9′N, 139°08.6′E, 113 m, 17 Jul 1969 (1). Suruga Bay, 34°45.4′N 138°43.8′E, KT74–14, sta B3, 21 Sep 1974 (4, 1); 34°54.0′N 138°43.7′E, 337–355 m, KT74–14, sta B8, 23 Sep 1974 (6); 34°59.6′N, 138°45.9′E, 126–135 m, KT83′18, sta SH-12, 13 Nov 1983 (3). Kii Strait, 33°24.3′N 135°43.0′E, 293–335 m, KT84–12, sta 6, 30 Aug 1984 (1); 33°28.1′N, 135°28.5′E, 455–492 m, KT84–12, sta 16, 1 Sep 1984 (1).
DISTRIBUTION.—This frequently collected species is known only from the islands of Japan. It has a wide depth distribution, previously from the littoral to 300 meters, but with these records it is extended to 479 meters. The species has not previously been taken as far north as the above Akkeshi record, which points toward the species occupying both cold and warmer waters within and outside the Kuroshio Current zones.
- bibliographic citation
- Nakamura, K. and Child, C. Allan. 1991. "Pycnogonida of Waters Adjacent to Japan." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-74.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Anoplodactylus gestiens (Ortmann)
Phoxichilidum gestiens Ortmann, 1890:166, pl. 24: fig. 8a–d.
Anoplodactylus gestiens.—Utinomi, 1971:325–326 [literature].—Child and Nakamura, 1982:292–296, fig. 1.—Nakamura and Child, 1982:289–290 [text], fig. 4.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Suruga Bay: Tansei Maru cruise KT69-12, sta 4 (1, 1).
Sagami Bay: Tansei Maru cruise KT69–12, sta 9 (1 juv); sta 13 (1 juv); sta 21 (17 with eggs, 262, 288, 9 juv, 22 juv, including 1 gynandromorph); sta 23 (2). Tansei Maru cruise KT71–2, sta 26 (1); sta 27 (1 juv); sta 29 (2, 2, 1 juv). Off Kisami, 22 May 1970 (3 juv).
- bibliographic citation
- Nakamura, K. and Child, C. Allan. 1983. "Shallow-Water Pycnogonida of the Izu Peninsula, Japan." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-71.