Barthlemy, Cayenne, Guyane Franaise
Barthelemy, Cayenne, French Guiana
Cayenne, French Guiana
Cayenne, French Guiana
Cayenne, Guyane Franaise
Barthelemy, Cayenne, French Guiana
Cayenne, French Guiana
Turrialba, Cartago Province, Costa Rica
Barthlemy, Cayenne, Guyane Franaise
Tuis, Cartago Province, Costa Rica
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Monteverde, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
I have moth music mp3. Come to me tattoo jazz wing beat on this aluminum edging alerted me in the middle of the night (2000-07-25)
Maryland, United States
Village of Cross Plains, Wisconsin, United States
when I last saw her she was fluttering against an ~outside wood wall
Kissimmee, Florida, United States
I think this moth enjoyed making a racket by clinging to the edge of this loose aluminum yard edging and flapping her wings.
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
she sometimes flew off and fluttered against a wall or sat still, easy to pick up