Coral Sea, Duration 18 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Schooling, Duration 8 seconds
Plectorhinchus vittatus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Diagramma picta (Mother-in-law fish). Coral Sea, Duration 42 seconds
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Neomaenis apodus (Walbaum). Schoolmaster; Caji.
Cachucho, Etelis oculatus (Linnaeus). Havana.
Porkfish (Anisotremus virginicus).
Red Snapper. Lutianus aya
Diacope Rivulata (Banded Diacope). Coast of Coromandel
Aprion virescens Cuvier & Valenciennes; after Bleeker.
Apharens flavivultus Jenkins, new species. Type.
Mesoprion Uninotatus (One spotted Meslprion). American Seas
Coral Sea, Duration 16 seconds
Lutjanus argentimaculatus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Gymnocaesio gymnoptera (Slender fusilier). Coral Sea, Schooling, Shot at dusk, Duration 34 seconds
Anisotremus interruptus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Prionurus laticlavius (Razor sawtail). Eastern Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 32 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 14 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Duration 25 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Schooling, Duration 45 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Duration 44 seconds, Shot includes Aglaophenia cupressina (Brown feather stinging hydroids)
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