Haemulon Album Cuvier and Valenciennes. Margate-Fish or Jallao
Plectorhinchus picus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Diagramma picta (Mother-in-law fish). Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 32 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Orthopristis forbesi is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Anisotremus interruptus (Burrito grunt). Eastern Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 14 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 32 seconds, Shot includes Antipathes galapagensis (Galapagos black coral)
Pomadasys argenteus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Gerres subfasciatus (Common silverbiddy). Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 72 seconds
Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 16 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 31 seconds
Eteliscus marshi Jenkins, new species. Type.
Haemulon Parra (Desmarest). Sailor's Choice or Ronco Blanco
Lutjanus Griseus (Linnaeus). Gray Snapper or Mangrove Snapper
Plectorhinchus picus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Diagramma picta (Mother-in-law fish). Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 35 seconds
Pterocaesio lativittata is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Caranx melampygus (Bluefin trevally). Coral Sea, Duration 11 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 22 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 46 seconds, Shot includes Antipathes galapagensis (Galapagos black coral), Zalophus californicum wollebacki (Galapagos sea lion)
Coral Sea, Duration 31 seconds, Shot includes Platycephalus fuscus (Dusky flathead)
Pterocaesio tile is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Naso hexacanthus (Sleek unicornfish). Indo-Pacific, Schooling, Shot at dusk, Duration 121 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 11 seconds
Eteliscus marshi Jenkins. Ulaula.
Haemulon Macrostoma Gunther. Striped Margate-Fish
Lutjanus Aya (Bloch). Red Snapper