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Cerithium lissum R. B. Watson 1880

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cerithium lissum Watson, 1880

Cerithium (Cerithium) fusiforme Sowerby, 1855.—Springsteen and Leobrera, 1986:62, pl. 13: fig. 18 [not C. fusiforme Soweiby, 1855; is C. lissum Watson].

Cerithium (Bittium) lissum Watson. 1880:107, species 7 [holotype: BMNH 1887291665; type locality: Levuka, Fiji, 22 m].

Cerithium lissum Watson, 1886:535–536, pl 15: fig. 4.—Tryon. 1887:130, pl. 23: fig. 92.—Kobelt, 1893:149, pl. 28: figs. 6, 7.—Cernohorsky, 1978:52, pl 13: fig. 6.

Cerithium veillardi Drivas and Jay, 1990;271–272, pl. 1: fig. 1 [holotype: MNHNP; type locality: off “Souris-Chaude,” between La Saline and St. Leu, Réunion].

DESCRIPTION.—Shell (Figure 74A–H): Shell elongate, turreted, fusiform, comprising 11–13 moderately inflated or angulate whorls, and reaching 24.7 mm length and 8.7 mm width. Protoconch unknown. Early teleoconch (Figure 74I) white, with broad, sloping, subsutural ramp, and sculptured with two main spiral cords and tiny axial riblets. Subsutural ramp growing weaker and disappearing on final three whorls. Adult teleoconch whorls sculptured with 11–13 axial ribs crossed over by numerous fine spiral threads and striae, and with 3 or 4 major, raised, spiral bands separated from each other by thin, brown, incised spiral lines; crossover points of axial ribs and spiral bands nodular. Prominent spiral, nodulose band at whorl periphery. Large, white varices sometimes present. Suture sunken, weakly defined to distinct Body whorl elongate, sculptured with 7–9 spiral, nodulose to smooth bands and spiral striae. Base of body whorl weakly excavated with long, tapering siphonal constriction. Aperture narrowly ovate, about 3.5 times the shell length. Columella concave with moderate callus and well-defined columellar lip. Anterior siphonal canal large, long, reflected dorsally and to left of shell axis. Anal canal well defined, bordered with parietal columellar tooth extending into aperture. Outer lip of aperture convex, thickened, crenulate, and angulate at periphery with weak spiral, internal lirations. Shell color tan with 5 brown, thin spiral lines per whorl, white nodules varices, and apex. Aperture white. Outer lip edge white with thin tan lines. Measurements (Table 26). Periostracum light tan.

Radula (Figure 75): Type-2 radular ribbon (Figure 3B). Rachidian tooth (Figure 75B–D) triangular with pair of basal, posterior ridges and long finger-like, central posterior projection on basal plate; anterior face slightly concave; cutting edge with central, large, pointed main cusp, flanked on each side by 2 or 3 small denticles. Lateral tooth (Figure 75B,C) with posterior, lateral extension and central basal buttress with small, median pustule on broad basal plate; cutting edge with broad main cusp, one inner flanking denticle and 2 or 3, small, pointed, outer flanking denticles. Marginal teeth (Figure 75A–C) with thin shafts, narrow bases and curved, hook-like, spatulate tips. Inner marginal tooth with finger-like main cusp, 2 or 3 pointed, inner flanking denticles and one, pointed, outer flanking denticles. Outer marginal tooth same, but lacking outer flanking denticles.

Anatomy: Unknown.

bibliographic citation
Houbrick, Richard S. 1992. "Monograph of the genus Cerithium Bruguiere in the Indo-Pacific (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-211. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.510