on low badland slopes and drainage rills in fractured gypseous, shaley Cretaceous limestone with Stenandrium barbatum, Amsonia longiflora, Ariocarpus fissuratus, Echinocactus horizonthalonius, Nama havardii, Thymophylla acerosa, Dalea wrightii, Polygala macradenia, Nerisyrenia camporum.
on low badland slopes and drainage rills in fractured gypseous, shaley Cretaceous limestone with Stenandrium barbatum, Amsonia longiflora, Ariocarpus fissuratus, Echinocactus horizonthalonius, Nama havardii, Thymophylla acerosa, Dalea wrightii, Polygala macradenia, Nerisyrenia camporum.
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa
on low badland slopes and drainage rills in fractured gypseous, shaley Cretaceous limestone with Stenandrium barbatum, Amsonia longiflora, Ariocarpus fissuratus, Echinocactus horizonthalonius, Nama havardii, Thymophylla acerosa, Dalea wrightii, Polygala macradenia, Nerisyrenia camporum.
on low badland slopes and drainage rills in fractured gypseous, shaley Cretaceous limestone with Stenandrium barbatum, Amsonia longiflora, Ariocarpus fissuratus, Echinocactus horizonthalonius, Nama havardii, Thymophylla acerosa, Dalea wrightii, Polygala macradenia, Nerisyrenia camporum.
annuals on alkaline silty clay soils of the Mimbres Basin playa
subshrub on sand over coarse weathering anhydrite gravels in drainage from low basal slope on hillside of interbedded gypsum & silty limestone (Castile Formation).
on silty gypseous clay and gravels on breaks of the Pecos River
on silty gypseous clay and gravels on breaks of the Pecos River
along highway right-of-way on low hillside slope of white chalky limestone