
Dragon Mouth

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Rhizomatous perenial herb of the mountains of South Europe. Stems 4 - 12" mostly square in cross section, usually leafless above; woody at base; Leaves in basal rosettes, ovate 1 - 3 inches long, cordate, crenate-serrate, petioled; flowers in axillary, 2 - 6 flowered verticillasters along stem, calyx tubular-campanulate to 3/8 inch long,teeth accuminate 13 nerved, 2-lipped, upper lip 3 toothed, lower lip 2 lobed, tube glabrous inside throat, corolla violet, hairy inside, 5/8 inch long, limb nearly 2-lipped, upper lip emarginate, lower lip spreading, 3 lobed, middle lobe emarginate, showy bluish, violet, stamens 4, in 2 pairs, anthers 1 celled, style 2 lobed; fruit of 4 glabrous nutlets. Flowers appear in early summer.

Macmillan Publishing/Cornell University
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