Yan-Li Zheng, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 1–5.Habitus of Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n. 1 Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n., male, holotype 2 Same, head and thorax, dorsal view 3 Same, frons and clypeus, ventral view 4 Same, head and pronotum, lateral view 5 Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n., female, paratype. Scale bars: 1–5 = 0.5mm.
Figures 15–18.Aprivesa unimaculatasp. n. 15 genitalia (♀), lateral view 16 anal tube (♀), dorsal view 17 genitalia (♀), ventral view 18 gonopophyses VIII (♀), lateral view.
Acinopterus acuminatus, aedeagus, caudally (INHS)
Mesamia nigridorsum, head, pronotum, and mesonotum, dorsally (Oman, P. W. 1949, The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington. 3:1-253.)
Rong-rong Wang, Ai-Ping Liang
Figure 1. Dorsal habitus of Tambinia species A Tambinia conus sp. n. (male, Papua New Guinea, CAS) B Tambinia macula sp. n. (male, Malaysia:Borneo, CAS) C Tambinia similis Liang (male, Vietnam, BPBM) D Tambinia robustocarina sp. n.( male, Malaysia: Sabah, USUM) E Tambinia sexmaculata sp. n.( male, Australia:Kuranda, CAS).
Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen, Zi-Zhong Li
Figures 13–16.Sweta bambusana sp. n. 13 Dorsal habitus, holotype from Huishui 14 Lateral habitus, holotype from Huishui 15 Head and thorax, dorsal view 16 Head, anteroventral view.
Figure 1.Tytthus wheeleri, sp. n., adult brachypterous ♂.
Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 5–7.5 Cicadatra platyptera, example of a male song, a whole song A Beginning of calling song B Calling song C Courtship song D Calling song (scale= 30 second) 6 Cicadatra platyptera, male song, 7 echemes from calling song (scale=120 ms) 7 Cicadatra platyptera, male song, 3 echemes from calling song (scale=50 ms).
Petr Kment, Meral Fent, George Japoshvili
Figures 2–5.Urartucoris ermolenkoi P. V. Putshkov, 1979, male (10.2 mm). 2–4 habitus (2 dorsal view 3 ventral view 4 lateral view) 5 intact pygophore in posterior view. (Photos P. Kment).
Marcela Cornelis, María C. Coscarón
Figure 11.Parameres: a Nabis paranensis b Nabis argentinus c Nabis faminei d Nabis punctipennis.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 2.Hyalessa ronshana (male). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E left foreleg, showing the spines on fore femur F male pygofer, ventral view G male pygofer, lateral view H aedeagus.
Zhi-Min Chang, Zheng-Guang Zhang, Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 35–42.Female genitalia. 35–38 Varma lobata Chang & Chen, sp. n. 35 Female genitalia, lateral view 36 Female genitalia, ventral view 37 Gonapophyses IX, ventral view 38 Gonoplace, ventral view 39–42 Varma serrata Men & Qin 39 Female genitalia, lateral view 40 Gonapophyses VIII, lateral view 41 Gonapophyses IX, ventral view 42 Gonoplace, ventral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm (35–42).
Yan-Li Zheng, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 6–16.Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n. 6 Head and thorax, dorsal view 7 Frons and clypeus, ventral view 8 Head and pronotum, lateral view 9 Forewing 10 Hind Wing 11 Pygofer and anal tube, dorsal view12 Pygofer and parameres, ventral view 13 Genitalia, lateral view 14 Aedeagus, lateral view 15 Aedeagus, dorsal view 16 Aedeagus, ventral view. Scale bars: 6–10 = 1 mm, 11–16 = 0.5mm.
Figures 19–23. Aprivesa unimaculatasp. n. 19 genitalia (♂), lateral view 20 anal tube (♂), dorsal view 21 aedeagus, dorsal view 22 aedeagus, lateral view 23 aedeagus, ventral view.
Acinopterus acuminatus, connective and style, ventrally (INHS)
Mesamia nigridorsum, face (Oman, P. W. 1949, The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington. 3:1-253.)
Rong-rong Wang, Ai-Ping Liang
Figure 3. Tambinia macula sp. n.A head, pronotum and mesonotum, dorsal view B head, pronotum and mesonotum, lateral view C head, ventral view D right fore wing E male genitalia, left view F anal segment, dorsal view G pygofer and gonostylus, ventral view H gonostylus, dorsal view. Scale bars: Figs A–D = 0.25 mm; E–H = 0.125 mm.
Figures 45–54.Tytthus spp. 45 Tytthus uniformis, macropterous ♂ (Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Audubon Res. Ranch, SE of Elgin, 12-14 May 2004, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., USNM) 46 Tytthus uniformis, macropterous ♀ (Arizona, Cochise Co., Huachuca Mtns., Ash Canyon Rd., 0.5 mi. W of Hwy 92, 17 Aug. 1992, N. McFarland, USNM) 47 Tytthus uniformis, brachypterous ♀ (Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Audubon Res. Ranch, SE of Elgin, 12-14 May 2004, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., USNM) 48 Tytthus vagus, macropterous ♂ (Florida, Duval Co., 1 km W of Dunn Creek, S. of Eastport, 3 Apr. 2004, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., USNM) 49 Tytthus vagus, macropterous ♀ (USA: Florida, Duval Co., south of Eastport, 3 Apr. 2004, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., USNM) 50 Tytthus wheeleri, staphylinoid ♂ (Texas, Gillespie Co., Rt16, 15 km NE of Fredericksburg, 27 May 2001, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., USNM) 51 Tytthus wheeleri, macropterous ♀ 52 Tytthus wheeleri, staphylinoid ♀ (South Carolina, Pickens Co., 2 mi. W of Chiefland, 16 Mar. 1999, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., USNM) 53 Tytthus zwaluwenburgi, macropterous ♂ (Canton Island, 20 Nov. 1940, R. Danner, BPBM) 54 Tytthus zwaluwneburgi, macropterous ♀ (Baker Island, 18 April 1935, E. H. Bryan, BPBM).
Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 8–10.8 Cicadatra platyptera, male song, 19 echemes from courtship song (scale=750 ms) 9 Cicadatra platyptera, male song, 7 echemes from courtship song (scale=150 ms) 10 Cicadatra platyptera, male song, 2 echemes from courtship song (scale=50 ms).
Petr Kment, Meral Fent, George Japoshvili
Figures 10–16.Urartucoris ermolenkoi P. V. Putshkov, 1979. 10–13 paramere (10, 12 lateral views 11 anterior view 13 posterior view). 14–16 phallus (not inflated, articulatory apparatus lost) 14 dorsal view 15 lateral view 16 ventral view). Lettering: ero endophallic reservoir outgrowths, ds ductus seminis, ve vesica. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
Marcela Cornelis, María C. Coscarón
Figure 12.Genital segments of female: a Nabis paranensis b Nabis argentinus c Nabis faminei d Nabis punctipennis.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 3.Hyalessa ronshana (female). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E fore and hind wings.
Zhi-Min Chang, Zheng-Guang Zhang, Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 1–4.Dorsal habitus of Varma species. 1 Varma falcata Chang & Chen, sp. n.; 2 Varma lobata Chang & Chen, sp. n.; 3 Varma gibbosa Wang & Liang; 4 Varma serrata Men & Qin. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Yan-Li Zheng, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 17–21.Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n. 17 Genitalia ventral view of female 18 Genitalia dorsal view of female 19 First valvulae (lateral view) 20 Second valvulae (ventral view) 21 Third valvulae (lateral view). Scale bars: 17–21 = 0.5mm.