Rong-rong Wang, Ai-Ping Liang
Figure 1. Dorsal habitus of Tambinia species A Tambinia conus sp. n. (male, Papua New Guinea, CAS) B Tambinia macula sp. n. (male, Malaysia:Borneo, CAS) C Tambinia similis Liang (male, Vietnam, BPBM) D Tambinia robustocarina sp. n.( male, Malaysia: Sabah, USUM) E Tambinia sexmaculata sp. n.( male, Australia:Kuranda, CAS).
Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 17.Map of Turkey, filled symbols represent localities of Cicadatra platyptera and empty shapes represent localitiesof Cicadatra atra.
Petr Kment, Meral Fent, George Japoshvili
Figures 6–9.Urartucoris ermolenkoi P. V. Putshkov, 1979, dissected pygophore: 6 dorsal view 7 posterodorsal view 8 posterior view 9 lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Plate I.Exitianus nanus.A–B habitus, dorsal view C face D the end of female abdomen, ventral view.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 6.Hyalessa maculaticollis (male). Habitus, dorsal view, showing intraspecific variability in Chinese populations. A material from Mt. Emei, Sichuan Prov. B material from Beijing C material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. D material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. E material from Chunhua County, Shaanxi Prov. F material from Guangdong Prov. G material from Mts. Shennongjia, Hubei Prov. H material from Huoditang, Ningshan County, Shaanxi Prov.
Wonhoon Lee, Takashi Kanbe, Shin–ichi Akimoto
Figirue 2.Photographs of Megoura lathyricola sp. n. and host plant: A apterous viviparous female B alate viviparous female C Lathyrus japonicus subsp. japonicus.
Weicheng Yang, Xiangsheng Chen
Figure 9.Cerynia maria (White, 1846) Variations of aedeagus, lateral and dorsal views. A (Guizhou, Guiyang; Guizhou, Luodian; Guizhou, Yanhe, Lijiaba; Guizhou, Maolan, Banzhai; Guizhou, Daozhen, Xiannvdong; Guizhou, Ziyun, Getuhe) B (Guangxi, Damingshan; Guizhou, Yanhe, Maojiacun; Guizhou, Xingyi, Muka) C (Guangxi, Longzhou; Guangxi, Daxing, Encheng; Guizhou, Liping, Taipingshan) D (Yunnan, Menglun).
Yuehua Song, Zizhong Li, Jing Xiong
Figures 1–9.Tautoneura baiyunshana Song, Li & Xiong, sp. n. 1 Head and thorax, dorsal view 2 Forewing 3 Abdominal apodemes 4 Pygofer lobe, lateral view 5 Subgenital plate 6 Style 7 Aedeagus, lateral view 8 Aedeagus, ventral view 9 Connective.
Acinopterus acuminatus, subgenital plates, valve, connective, and styles, ventrally (INHS)
Mimallygus lacteinervis, dorsal habitus (MNHN)
Rong-rong Wang, Ai-Ping Liang
Figure 5. Tambinia sexmaculata sp. n. A head, pronotum and mesonotum, dorsal view B head, pronotum and mesonotum, lateral view C head, ventral view D right fore wing E right hind wing F male genitalia, left view G male genitalia, dorsal view H pygofer and gonostylus, ventral view. Scale bars: Figs A–C = 0.25 mm; D–E = 0.5 mm; F–H = 0.25 mm.
Stuart H. McKamey, Brent V. Brodbeck
Figures 1–10.Antillotolania myricae, sp. n. 1–3 female habitus in anterior, dorsal, and lateral views, respectively 4–6 male, same views 7 Dorsal views, distal half of pygofer with aedeagus and styles in resting position over subgenital plates. 8 Lateral view, aedeagus and styles 9–10 left forewing and hind wing, respectively.
Petr Kment, Meral Fent, George Japoshvili
Figures 10–16.Urartucoris ermolenkoi P. V. Putshkov, 1979. 10–13 paramere (10, 12 lateral views 11 anterior view 13 posterior view). 14–16 phallus (not inflated, articulatory apparatus lost) 14 dorsal view 15 lateral view 16 ventral view). Lettering: ero endophallic reservoir outgrowths, ds ductus seminis, ve vesica. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
Figure 2.Exitianus nanus.A style, dorsal view B, C aedeagus, ventral and lateral view, respectively.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 7.Hyalessa maculaticollis (male). Habitus, ventral view, showing intraspecific variability in Chinese populations. A material from Mt. Emei, Sichuan Prov. B material from Beijing C material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. D material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. E material from Chunhua County, Shaanxi Prov. F material from Guangdong Prov. G material from Mts. Shennongjia, Hubei Prov. H material from Huoditang, Ningshan County, Shaanxi Prov.
Figures 1–11.Abrus damingshanensis sp. n., 1 ♂, dorsal view 2 ♂, lateral view 3 ♂, head and thorax, dorsal view 4 ♂, face 5 Male pygofer side, lateral view 6 Valve, ventral view 7 Subgenital plate, ventral view 8 Aedeagus, lateral view 9 Aedeagus, caudal view 10 Connective, ventral view 11 Style, dorsal view.
Weicheng Yang, Xiangsheng Chen
Figure 10.Geograghic distribution of Cerynia maria (White, 1846) from China. A form (●); B form (■); C form (▲); D form (★); unknown form (◎).
Yuehua Song, Zizhong Li, Jing Xiong
Figures 10–18.Tautoneura yunnanensis Song, Li & Xiong, sp. n. 10 Head and thorax, dorsal view 11 Forewing 12 Abdominal apodemes 13 Pygofer lobe, lateral view 14 Subgenital plate 15 Style 16 Aedeagus, lateral view 17 Aedeagus, ventral view 18 Connective.
Acunasus nigriviridis, aedeagus, laterally (TAMU)
Mimallygus lacteinervis, lateral habitus (MNHN)
Figures 3–19.Aleurodaphis sinojackiae Qiao & Jiang, sp. n. 3–13 Apterous viviparous female. 3 dorsal view of head 4 antennae 5 ultimate rostral segment 6 dorsal view of thorax 7 hind tarsal segments 8 abdominal tergite VIII 9 dorsal setae and sculptures on abdominal tergite VI 10 siphunculus 11 cauda 12 anal plate 13 genital plate. 14–19 Alate viviparous female. 14 antennae 15 ultimate rostral segment 16 basal half of fore wing 17 siphunculus 18 cauda 19 anal plate. Scale bars = 0.10 mm.
Stuart H. McKamey, Brent V. Brodbeck
Figures 11–17.Antillotolania myricae sp. n. 11–15 fifth instar in anterior, dorsal, lateral and detail ventral views, respectively 16 third instar, with proportionately longer ‘anal tube’ (ventrally fused tergum IX) 17 surface vestiture of adult abdominal tergum IV.
Petr Kment, Meral Fent, George Japoshvili
Figures 17–18.Habitats of Urartucoris ermolenkoi P. V. Putshkov, 1979. 17 Landscape of the Gölcük NP 18 collecting site A. (Photos G. Japoshvili).
Plate II.Exitianus indicus.A–E habitus, dorsal view F face G the end of female abdomen, ventral view.