Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 18.Frequency pattern of a typical calling song echeme produced by Cicadatra platyptera.
Zhong-hua Fan, Guo-qing Liu
Figures 4–6.Right humeral angles in cephalic view. 4 Cahara incisura sp. n. 5 Cahara nodula sp. n. 6 Cahara tibetana.
Marcela Cornelis, María C. Coscarón
Figure 11.Parameres: a Nabis paranensis b Nabis argentinus c Nabis faminei d Nabis punctipennis.
D.J. Williams, Chris J. Hodgson
Figure 1.Prepupa of Promyrmococcus dilli Williams.
Figures 25–36.Symplanella zhongtua sp. n. 25 Male habitus, dorsal view 26 Male habitus, lateral view 27 Head and thorax, dorsal view 28 Head and thorax, lateral view 29 Face 30 Male anal segment, dorsal view 31 Male anal segment, lateral view 32 Male pygofer, lateral view 33 Style, lateral view 34 Styles, posterior view 35 Aedeagus, ventral view 36 Aedeagus, lateral view.
Zhi-Min Chang, Zheng-Guang Zhang, Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 1–4.Dorsal habitus of Varma species. 1 Varma falcata Chang & Chen, sp. n.; 2 Varma lobata Chang & Chen, sp. n.; 3 Varma gibbosa Wang & Liang; 4 Varma serrata Men & Qin. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 5.Left foreleg of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, inner view B Cryptotympana atrata, outer view C Meimuna mongolica, outer view D Platypleura kaempferi, outer view. acf, accessory tooth of femur; apt, apical tooth of tibia; bt, blade of tibia; f, femur; fc, femoral comb; itf, intermediate tooth of femur; pbt, point of blade of tibia; ptf, posterior tooth of femur; t, trochanter; ta, tarsus; ti, tibia. Scale bars = 1.0 mm
Figures 9–17.Empoasca (Empoasca) spiculata Yu & Yang, sp. n. 9 male genital capsule, lateral view 10 male abdominal apodemes 11 male pygofer, dorsal view 12 ventral pygofer appendage, dorsal view 13 subgenital fig, ventral view 14 paramere 15 aedeagus and connective, dorsal view 16 aedeagus, lateral view 17 anal tube process.
Achaetica anbasidis, pygofer, dorsally (INHS)
Menosoma stonei, forewing (Oman, P. W. 1949, The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington. 3:1-253.)
Agnieszka Homan, Piotr Wegierek
Figure 3.Rasnitsynaphis quadrata sp. n., PIN 3064/2279 (holotype): a flagellum of right antenna, dorsal view b body, ventral view c apical segment of rostrum.
Zubair Ahmed, Allen F. Sanborn, Muhammad Atique Akhter
Figure 1. Holotype Male, Cicadatra ziaratica sp. n.
Figures 24–34. Tytthus spp. 24 Tytthus mundulus, macropterous ♂ (Hawaii, Oahu, Ewa Beach, 22 Nov. 1982, no coll. data, USNM) 25 Tytthus mundulus, macropterous ♀ (Hawaii, Oahu, Barbers Point, Mar. 1960, E. J. Ford, USNM) 26 Tytthus neotropicalis, macropterous ♂ (Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa, 13 Oct.-1 Nov. 1985, T.J. Henry & P.S.F. Fiuza, USNM) 27 Tytthus neotropicalis, macropterous ♀ (Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa, 13 Oct.-1 Nov. 1985, T.J. Henry & P.S.F. Fiuza, USNM) 28 Tytthus pallidus, macropterous ♂ (holotype, Panama, El Real, 19 Mar. 1953, F. S. Blanton, USNM) 29 Tytthus pallidus macropterous ♀ (Brazil, Amazonas, Reserva Ducke, 25 km NNE Manaus, 26 July 1973, R. T. Schuh, AMNH) 30 Tytthus panamensis, macropterous ♂ (Paratype: Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal, 14 Apr12, A. Busch, USNM) 31 Tytthus panamensis, macropterous ♀ (Panama, Canal Zone, Ft. Gulick, 21 Aug. 1952, F. S. Blanton, USNM) 32 Tytthus parviceps, macropterous ♂ (pale pronotum) (Bermuda, Paget Par., Paget Marsh, 14-22 July 1988, M. R. Wilson & D. J. Hilburn, USNM) 33 Tytthus parviceps, macropterous ♀ (dark pronotum) (Florida, Sebring, 25-31 July, C. T. Parsons, USNM) 34 Tytthus parviceps, macropterous ♀ (pale pronotum) (Florida, Deerfield, 26 July 1948, R. H. Beamer, KU).
Abbas Mol, Unal Zeybekoglu, Basak Akyurek
Figure 19.Frequency pattern of a typical courtship song echeme produced by Cicadatra platyptera.
Zhong-hua Fan, Guo-qing Liu
Figures 7–12.Cahara spp. 7–8 Cahara incisura sp. n., holotype 9–10 Cahara nodula sp. n., holotype 11–12 Cahara tibetana, allotype.
Marcela Cornelis, María C. Coscarón
Figure 12.Genital segments of female: a Nabis paranensis b Nabis argentinus c Nabis faminei d Nabis punctipennis.
D.J. Williams, Chris J. Hodgson
Figure 2.Pupa of Promyrmococcus dilli Williams.
Figures 1–12.Symplanella recurvata sp. n. 1 Male habitus, dorsal view 2 Male habitus, lateral view 3 Head and thorax, dorsal view 4 Head and thorax, lateral view 5 Face 6 Forewing 7 Hindwing 8 Male anal segment, posterior view 9 Male genitalia, lateral view 10 Styles, posterior view 11 Aedeagus, dorsal view 12 Aedeagus, lateral view.
Zhi-Min Chang, Zheng-Guang Zhang, Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 5–15.Varma falcata Chang & Chen, sp. n. 5 Head and thorax, dorsal view 6 Head, ventral view 7 Head and thorax, lateral view 8 Forewing 9 Hind wing 10 Male genitalia, lateral view 11 Pygofer and gonostyli, ventral view 12 Male genitalia, dorsal view 13 Pygofer and anal segment, left side 14 Gonostyli, right side 15 Aedeagus, left side. Scale bars = 1.0 mm (5–9), 0.5 mm (10–15).
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 6.Spines at the apex of mid and hind tibiae of final instar nymphs. A mid tibia of Cryptotympana atrata B mid tibia of Meimuna mongolica C mid tibia of Platypleura kaempferi D hind tibia of Cryptotympana atrata E hind tibia of Meimuna mongolica F hind tibia of Platypleura Kaempferi. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Figures 1–8.Empoasca (Empoasca) dorsodenticulata Yu & Yang, sp. n. 1 male genital capsule, lateral view 2 male abdominal apodemes 3 male pygofer, dorsal view 4 ventral pygofer appendage, dorsal view 5 subgenital fig, ventral view 6 paramere and connective 7 aedeagus, dorsal view 8 aedeagus, lateral view.
Acinopterus acuminatus, dorsal habitus (INHS)
Menosoma flavolineata, head, pronotum, and mesonotum, dorsally (Linnavuori, R. E., & D. M. DeLong 1978, Some new or little known Neotropical Deltocephalinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Brenesia. 14&15:227-247.)
Weiting Zhang, Yunzhi Yao, Dong Ren
Figure 1. Brevrimatus pulchalifer gen. et sp. n., line drawings. Holotype, CNU-HET-ND2010334 p/c. A dorsal view B ventral view. Scale bar=2 mm.