Mummichoc (Fundulus heteroclitus).
Cyprinodon variegatus : Egg with blastodisc of 8 cells.
Top Minnow. Heterandria formosa.
Mummichog; Male (Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus)).
Variegated Minnow. Cyprinodon variegatus.
Zygonectes jenkinsi, sp. nov.. About three times natural size
Mummichog (Female). Fundulus majalis (Walb.), Gthr.
Round Minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepede. St. George Island, Maryland.
Cyprinodon variegatus : Egg with blastoderm in late cleavage stage : PB, periblast.
Cyprinodon variegatus : Newly hatched fish; actual length 4 mm..
Cyprinodon variegatus : Egg with blastodisc of 8 cells, optical section.
Cyprinodon variegatus : Egg showing later stage in differentiation of embryonic shield; EA, embryonic area; EEA, extra-embryonic area.
Cyprinodon variegatus : Larval fish 5 days after hatching, actual length 5 mm.
Cyprinodon variegatus : Egg with fully developed blastodisc (bd).
Cyprinodon variegatus : Egg with blastoderm showing germ ring, GR, fully differentiated and an early stage in differentiation of embryonic shield, ES; PP, posterior pole of blastoderm.
Viviparous Killifish (Goodea iuitpoldi).
Goodea luitpoldi (Steindachner). A viviparous fish from Lake Patzcuaro, Mexico. Family Paciliidae.
Lucania parva.
Lucania parva : Egg with blastoderm of 16 cells.
Lucania parva : Egg with blastoderm of 2 cells.
Lucania parva : Egg with blastoderm of 4 cells.
Lucania parva : Egg with blastoderm of 8 cells.
Lucania parva : Mature unfertilized egg.
Lucania parva : Egg just before hatching.