in shallow swales on exposed grassy ridge of volcanic tuff and widely scattered pine.
in sunny shallow swales, cracks and pot holes on flat portions of the ridge top of exposed rhyolitic tuff forming the Continental Divide
in sunny shallow swales, cracks and pot holes on flat portions of the ridge top of exposed rhyolitic tuff forming the Continental Divide
in shallow basins and potholes on gently sloping surface of exposed rhyolitic tuff with scattered grasses.
in swales, cracks and potholes on a gentle slope of exposed rhyolitic tuff
in swales, cracks and potholes on a gentle slope of exposed rhyolitic tuff
in swales, cracks and potholes on a gentle slope of exposed rhyolitic tuff
plants in coarsely gravelly soil in shallow drainage swale on low ridge of pale weathered volcanic tuff rising above grassy montane basin with scattered pines and scrub oak.