
Scientific Names

Alternative Names

Cotyledon hispanica L.
Heterotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Pistorinia breviflora Coss. & Balansa
Heterotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Sedum hispanicum (L.) R.-Hamet
Heterotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Sedum hispanicum var. glaucum Waldst. & Kit.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Pistorinia DC. 1828
Authority according to NCBI

Common Names


无芒燕麦属 preferred
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بيسترينيا preferred
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Zh Cn

无芒燕麦属 preferred
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Zh Hans

无芒燕麦属 preferred
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Zh Hant

無芒燕麥屬 preferred
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