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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Broomrape Family
Seed Plants
Broomrape Family
Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Castilleja bryantii
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Mexico Species List
, and
North Pacific Species List
Castilleja bryantii
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Castilleja bryantii
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
iNaturalist data coverage
Castilleja bryantii
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Castilleja bryantii T. S. Brandegee
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
, and
GBIF data coverage
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
(this page)
Castilleja bryantii var. socorrensis (Moran) J. M. Egger
Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja ambigua Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja annua Pennell
Castilleja applegatei Fern.
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm.
Castilleja arctica Krylov & Sergievsk.
Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja aurea B. L. Rob. & Greenm.
Castilleja brevistyla (Hoover) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja caudata (Pennell) Rebr.
Castilleja cerroana Edwin
Castilleja chlorosceptron G. L. Nesom
Castilleja christii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja chrysantha Greenm.
Castilleja crista-galli Rydb.
Castilleja cryptandra Eastwood
Castilleja cryptantha Pennell & G. N. Jones
Castilleja ctenodonta Eastwood
Castilleja cusickii Greenm.
Castilleja dissitiflora N. Holmgren
Castilleja durangensis G. L. Nesom
Castilleja ecuadorensis N. Holmgren
Castilleja exigua J. M. Egger
Castilleja flava S. Wats.
Castilleja foliolosa Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja fraterna Greenm.
Castilleja fruticosa Moran
Castilleja galehintoniae G. L. Nesom
Castilleja genevievana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja glandulifera Pennell
Castilleja gonzaleziae G. L. Nesom
Castilleja grisea Dunkle
Castilleja guadalupensis T. S. Brandeg.
Castilleja hidalgensis J. M. Egger
Castilleja hirsuta M. Mart. & Gal.
Castilleja hispida Benth.
Castilleja hyetophila Pennell
Castilleja integra A. Gray
Castilleja integrifolia L. fil.
Castilleja irasuensis Oerst.
Castilleja jiquilpana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja kerryana J. M. Egger
Castilleja kraliana J. R. Allison
Castilleja laciniata Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja latifolia Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja lebgueana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja lineariloba (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja linifolia N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja lithospermoides Kunth
Castilleja longiflora Kunze
Castilleja macrostigma S. Wats.
Castilleja madrigalii C. Medina & E. Carranza
Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell
Castilleja mexicana (Hemsl.) Gray
Castilleja mollis Pennell
Castilleja nivibractea G. L. Nesom
Castilleja nubigena Kunth
Castilleja ornata Eastwood
Castilleja ortegae Standley
Castilleja pallescens (Nutt. ex A. Gray) Greenm.
Castilleja palmeri Eastwood
Castilleja paramensis F. González & Pabón-Mora
Castilleja peruviana T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja pilosa (S. Wats.) Rydb.
Castilleja plagiotoma A. Gray
Castilleja praeterita Heckard & Bacigal.
Castilleja pseudohyperborea O. V. Rebristaya
Castilleja pterocaulon N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja puberula Rydb.
Castilleja pumila (Benth.) Weddell
Castilleja purpurea (Nutt.) G. Don
Castilleja quirosii Standley
Castilleja raupii Pennell
Castilleja revealii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb.
Castilleja roei Crosswhite
Castilleja rubicundula (Jepson) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja rupicola Piper ex Fern.
Castilleja salsuginosa N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja schizotricha Greenm.
Castilleja schrenkii Rebr.
Castilleja sphaerostigma Eastwood
Castilleja spiranthoides Standley
Castilleja steyermarkii Pennell
Castilleja subalpina Eastwood
Castilleja subinclusa Greene
Castilleja suksdorfii A. Gray
Castilleja sulphurea Rydb.
Castilleja talamancensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja tayloriorum N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja tenuiflora Benth.
Castilleja tenuifolia M. Mart. & Gal.
Castilleja tenuis (Heller) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja thompsonii Pennell
Castilleja unalaschcensis (Cham. & Schltdl.) Malte
Castilleja vadosa T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja virgata (Wedd.) Edwin
Castilleja viscidula A. Gray
Castilleja xanthotricha Pennell
Castilleja zempoaltepetlensis G. L. Nesom
99 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Lamiales Bromhead
Orobanchaceae Vent.
Castilleja L. fil.
Castilleja bryantii T. S. Brandegee
(this page)
Castilleja bryantii var. socorrensis (Moran) J. M. Egger
Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja albobarbata Iltis & G. L. Nesom
Castilleja alpicola T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja ambigua Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja angustata (B. L. Rob. & Seaton) Eastw.
Castilleja angustifolia (Nutt.) G. Don
Castilleja applegatei Fernald
Castilleja aquariensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm.
Castilleja arctica Krylov & Serg.
Castilleja arvensis Cham. & Schltdl.
Castilleja aspera Eastw.
Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja aurea B. L. Rob. & Greenm.
Castilleja auriculata Eastw.
Castilleja beldingii (Greene) Tank & J. M. Egger
Castilleja bella Standl.
Castilleja breviflora Benth.
Castilleja brevilobata Piper
Castilleja brevistyla (Hoover) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja campestris (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja cerroana Edwin
Castilleja cervina Greenm.
Castilleja chambersii M. Egger & Meinke
Castilleja chlorosceptron G. L. Nesom
Castilleja chlorotica Piper
Castilleja christii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson
Castilleja chrymactis Pennell
Castilleja chrysantha Greenm.
Castilleja cinerea A. Gray
Castilleja citrina Pennell
Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng.
Castilleja collegiorum J. M. Egger & Malaby
Castilleja conzattii Fernald
Castilleja covilleana Hend.
Castilleja crista-galli Rydb.
Castilleja cryptandra Eastw.
Castilleja cryptantha Pennell & G. N. Jones
Castilleja ctenodonta Eastw.
Castilleja cusickii Greenm.
Castilleja dendridion G. L. Nesom
Castilleja densiflora (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja dissitiflora Holmgren
Castilleja disticha Eastw.
Castilleja durangensis G. L. Nesom
Castilleja ecuadorensis Holmgren
Castilleja elata Piper
Castilleja elegans Malte
Castilleja elmeri Fernald
Castilleja exigua J. M. Egger
Castilleja exserta (A. Heller) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja falcata Eastw.
Castilleja filiflora G. L. Nesom
Castilleja fissifolia L. fil.
Castilleja genevieveana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja gleasoni Elmer
Castilleja gracillima Rydb.
Castilleja hololeuca Greene
Castilleja kaibabensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja lassenensis Eastw.
Castilleja lentii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja leschkeana Howell
Castilleja lineariloba (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja lineata Greene
Castilleja linifolia N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja lithospermoides Kunth
Castilleja litoralis Pennell
Castilleja longiflora Kunze
Castilleja lutescens (Greenm.) Rydb.
Castilleja macrostigma S. Watson
Castilleja madrigalii C. Medina & E. Carranza
Castilleja martini Abrams
Castilleja mcvaughii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell
Castilleja meridensis Pennell
Castilleja mexicana (Hemsl.) A. Gray
Castilleja miniata Douglas
Castilleja minor (A. Gray) A. Gray
Castilleja mogollonica Pennell
Castilleja mollis Pennell
Castilleja montigena Heckard
Castilleja moranensis Kunth
Castilleja nana Eastw.
Castilleja nelsonii Eastw.
Castilleja ophiocephala Tank & J. M. Egger
Castilleja paramensis F. González & Pabón-Mora
Castilleja pavlovii Rebr.
Castilleja peirsonii Eastw.
Castilleja plagiotoma A. Gray
Castilleja profunda T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja purpurascens Greenman
Castilleja racemosa (Breedlove & Heckard) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja salaisolaveae J. M. Egger, C. G. Velazco-Macías & Huereca
Castilleja saltensis Eastw.
Castilleja schizotricha Greenm.
Castilleja septentrionalis Lindl.
Castilleja tenella Rebr.
Castilleja thompsonii Pennell
Castilleja uliginosa Eastw.
113 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
(this page)
Castilleja bryantii var. socorrensis (Moran) J. M. Egger
Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja ambigua Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja applegatei Fern.
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm.
Castilleja arctica Krylov & Sergievsk.
Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja aurea B. L. Rob. & Greenm.
Castilleja brevistyla (Hoover) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja caudata (Pennell) Rebr.
Castilleja cerroana Edwin
Castilleja chlorosceptron G. L. Nesom
Castilleja christii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja chrysantha Greenm.
Castilleja crista-galli Rydb.
Castilleja cryptandra Eastwood
Castilleja cryptantha Pennell & G. N. Jones
Castilleja ctenodonta Eastwood
Castilleja cusickii Greenm.
Castilleja dissitiflora N. Holmgren
Castilleja durangensis G. L. Nesom
Castilleja ecuadorensis N. Holmgren
Castilleja exigua J. M. Egger
Castilleja flava S. Wats.
Castilleja foliolosa Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja fraterna Greenm.
Castilleja fruticosa Moran
Castilleja galehintoniae G. L. Nesom
Castilleja genevievana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja glandulifera Pennell
Castilleja gonzaleziae G. L. Nesom
Castilleja grisea Dunkle
Castilleja guadalupensis T. S. Brandeg.
Castilleja hidalgensis J. M. Egger
Castilleja hirsuta M. Mart. & Gal.
Castilleja hispida Benth.
Castilleja integra A. Gray
Castilleja integrifolia L. fil.
Castilleja irasuensis Oerst.
Castilleja jiquilpana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja kerryana J. M. Egger
Castilleja kraliana J. R. Allison
Castilleja laciniata Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja latifolia Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja lebgueana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja lineariloba (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja linifolia N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja lithospermoides Kunth
Castilleja longiflora Kunze
Castilleja macrostigma S. Wats.
Castilleja madrigalii C. Medina & E. Carranza
Castilleja mcvaughii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell
Castilleja mexicana (Hemsl.) Gray
Castilleja mollis Pennell
Castilleja nivibractea G. L. Nesom
Castilleja nubigena Kunth
Castilleja ornata Eastwood
Castilleja ortegae Standley
Castilleja pallescens (Nutt. ex A. Gray) Greenm.
Castilleja palmeri Eastwood
Castilleja paramensis F. González & Pabón-Mora
Castilleja peruviana T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja pilosa (S. Wats.) Rydb.
Castilleja plagiotoma A. Gray
Castilleja praeterita Heckard & Bacigal.
Castilleja pseudohyperborea O. V. Rebristaya
Castilleja pterocaulon N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja puberula Rydb.
Castilleja pumila (Benth.) Weddell
Castilleja purpurea (Nutt.) G. Don
Castilleja quirosii Standley
Castilleja raupii Pennell
Castilleja revealii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb.
Castilleja roei Crosswhite
Castilleja rubicundula (Jepson) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja rubida Piper
Castilleja rupicola Piper ex Fern.
Castilleja salsuginosa N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja schizotricha Greenm.
Castilleja schrenkii Rebr.
Castilleja sphaerostigma Eastwood
Castilleja spiranthoides Standley
Castilleja steyermarkii Pennell
Castilleja subalpina Eastwood
Castilleja subinclusa Greene
Castilleja suksdorfii A. Gray
Castilleja sulphurea Rydb.
Castilleja talamancensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja tayloriorum N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja tenuiflora Benth.
Castilleja tenuifolia M. Mart. & Gal.
Castilleja tenuis (Heller) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja thompsonii Pennell
Castilleja unalaschcensis (Cham. & Schltdl.) Malte
Castilleja vadosa T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja virgata (Wedd.) Edwin
Castilleja viscidula A. Gray
Castilleja xanthotricha Pennell
Castilleja zempoaltepetlensis G. L. Nesom
96 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Castilleja bryantii T. S Brandeg.
(this page)
Castilleja bryantii var. socorrensis (Moran) J. M. Egger
Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja ambigua Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja applegatei Fern.
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm.
Castilleja arctica Krylov & Sergievsk.
Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja aurea B. L. Rob. & Greenm.
Castilleja brevistyla (Hoover) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja caudata (Pennell) Rebr.
Castilleja cerroana Edwin
Castilleja chlorosceptron G. L. Nesom
Castilleja christii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja chrysantha Greenm.
Castilleja crista-galli Rydb.
Castilleja cryptandra Eastwood
Castilleja cryptantha Pennell & G. N. Jones
Castilleja ctenodonta Eastwood
Castilleja cusickii Greenm.
Castilleja dissitiflora N. Holmgren
Castilleja durangensis G. L. Nesom
Castilleja ecuadorensis N. Holmgren
Castilleja exigua J. M. Egger
Castilleja flava S. Wats.
Castilleja foliolosa Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja fraterna Greenm.
Castilleja fruticosa Moran
Castilleja galehintoniae G. L. Nesom
Castilleja genevievana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja glandulifera Pennell
Castilleja gonzaleziae G. L. Nesom
Castilleja grisea Dunkle
Castilleja guadalupensis T. S. Brandeg.
Castilleja hidalgensis J. M. Egger
Castilleja hirsuta M. Mart. & Gal.
Castilleja hispida Benth.
Castilleja integra A. Gray
Castilleja integrifolia L. fil.
Castilleja irasuensis Oerst.
Castilleja jiquilpana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja kerryana J. M. Egger
Castilleja kraliana J. R. Allison
Castilleja laciniata Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja latifolia Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja lebgueana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja lineariloba (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja linifolia N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja lithospermoides Kunth
Castilleja longiflora Kunze
Castilleja macrostigma S. Wats.
Castilleja madrigalii C. Medina & E. Carranza
Castilleja mcvaughii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell
Castilleja mexicana (Hemsl.) Gray
Castilleja mollis Pennell
Castilleja nivibractea G. L. Nesom
Castilleja nubigena Kunth
Castilleja ornata Eastwood
Castilleja ortegae Standley
Castilleja pallescens (Nutt. ex A. Gray) Greenm.
Castilleja palmeri Eastwood
Castilleja paramensis F. González & Pabón-Mora
Castilleja peruviana T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja pilosa (S. Wats.) Rydb.
Castilleja plagiotoma A. Gray
Castilleja praeterita Heckard & Bacigal.
Castilleja pseudohyperborea O. V. Rebristaya
Castilleja pterocaulon N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja puberula Rydb.
Castilleja pumila (Benth.) Weddell
Castilleja purpurea (Nutt.) G. Don
Castilleja quirosii Standley
Castilleja raupii Pennell
Castilleja revealii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb.
Castilleja roei Crosswhite
Castilleja rubicundula (Jepson) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja rubida Piper
Castilleja rupicola Piper ex Fern.
Castilleja salsuginosa N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja schizotricha Greenm.
Castilleja schrenkii Rebr.
Castilleja sphaerostigma Eastwood
Castilleja spiranthoides Standley
Castilleja steyermarkii Pennell
Castilleja subalpina Eastwood
Castilleja subinclusa Greene
Castilleja suksdorfii A. Gray
Castilleja sulphurea Rydb.
Castilleja talamancensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja tayloriorum N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja tenuiflora Benth.
Castilleja tenuifolia M. Mart. & Gal.
Castilleja tenuis (Heller) T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja thompsonii Pennell
Castilleja unalaschcensis (Cham. & Schltdl.) Malte
Castilleja vadosa T. I. Chuang & L. R. Heckard
Castilleja virgata (Wedd.) Edwin
Castilleja viscidula A. Gray
Castilleja xanthotricha Pennell
Castilleja zempoaltepetlensis G. L. Nesom
96 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Castilleja Mutis ex L. fil.
Castilleja bryantii Brandegee
(this page)
Castilleja bryantii var. bryantii
Castilleja bryantii var. socorrensis (Moran) J. M. Egger
Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja ambigua Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja angustifolia G. Don
Castilleja annua Pennell
Castilleja applegatei Fernald
Castilleja aquariensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm.
Castilleja arvensis Cham. & Schltdl.
Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja austromontana Standl. & Blumer
Castilleja brevistyla (Hoover) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja campestris (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja caudata (Pennell) Rebrist.
Castilleja cervina Greenm.
Castilleja chlorotica Piper
Castilleja christii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja chrymactis Pennell
Castilleja chrysantha Greenm.
Castilleja cinerea A. Gray
Castilleja coccinea Spreng.
Castilleja covilleana L. F. Hend.
Castilleja crista-galli Rydb.
Castilleja cryptantha Pennell & G. N. Jones
Castilleja cusickii Greenm.
Castilleja densiflora (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja dissitiflora N. H. Holmgr.
Castilleja elegans Malte
Castilleja elmeri Fernald
Castilleja exserta (Heller) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja falcata Eastw.
Castilleja flava S. Watson
Castilleja foliolosa Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja fraterna Greenm.
Castilleja genevievana G. L. Nesom
Castilleja glandulifera Pennell
Castilleja grisea Dunkle
Castilleja haydenii (A. Gray) Cockerell
Castilleja hispida Benth.
Castilleja hyetophila Pennell
Castilleja hyperborea Pennell
Castilleja indivisa Engelm.
Castilleja integra A. Gray
Castilleja kaibabensis N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja lacera (Benth.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja lanata A. Gray
Castilleja lasiorhyncha (A. Gray) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja latifolia Hook. & Arn.
Castilleja lemmonii A. Gray
Castilleja levisecta Greenm.
Castilleja linariifolia Benth.
Castilleja lineata Greene
Castilleja lutescens Rydb.
Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell
Castilleja mexicana A. Gray
Castilleja minor A. Gray
Castilleja mollis Pennell
Castilleja montigena Heckard
Castilleja nana Eastw.
Castilleja nervata Eastw.
Castilleja nivea Pennell & Ownbey
Castilleja occidentalis Torr.
Castilleja oresbia Greenm.
Castilleja organorum Standl.
Castilleja ornata Eastw.
Castilleja pallescens Greenm.
Castilleja parviflora Bong.
Castilleja parvula Rydb.
Castilleja patriotica Fernald
Castilleja peckiana Pennell
Castilleja pilosa Rydb.
Castilleja plagiotoma A. Gray
Castilleja porterae Cockerell
Castilleja praeterita Heckard & Bacig.
Castilleja pruinosa Fernald
Castilleja puberula Rydb.
Castilleja pulchella Rydb.
Castilleja purpurea G. Don
Castilleja raupii Pennell
Castilleja revealii N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja rigida Eastw.
Castilleja rubicundula (Jeps.) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja rubida Piper
Castilleja rupicola Piper ex Fernald
Castilleja salsuginosa N. H. Holmgren
Castilleja scabrida Eastw.
Castilleja schizotricha Greenm.
Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh
Castilleja subinclusa Greene
Castilleja suksdorfii A. Gray
Castilleja sulphurea Rydb.
Castilleja tenuiflora Benth.
Castilleja tenuis (Heller) T. I. Chuang & Heckard
Castilleja thompsonii Pennell
Castilleja unalaschcensis Malte
Castilleja virgayoides Edwin
Castilleja viscidula A. Gray
Castilleja wallowensis Pennell
Castilleja wootonii Standl.
Castilleja xanthotricha Pennell
Castilleja zempoaltepetlensis G. L. Nesom
118 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Castilleja bryantii
(this page)
Castilleja bryantii var. socorrensis
Castilleja albobarbata
Castilleja alpicola
Castilleja altorum
Castilleja angustata
Castilleja annua
Castilleja bella
Castilleja campestris
Castilleja caudata
Castilleja cerroana
Castilleja cervina
Castilleja chambersii
Castilleja chiapensis
Castilleja chlorosceptron
Castilleja chlorotica
Castilleja conzattii
Castilleja covilleana
Castilleja crista-galli
Castilleja cryptantha
Castilleja ctenodonta
Castilleja cusickii
Castilleja dendridion
Castilleja dissitiflora
Castilleja durangensis
Castilleja elmeri
Castilleja exilis
Castilleja falcata
Castilleja filiflora
Castilleja fissifolia
Castilleja flava
Castilleja fraterna
Castilleja fruticosa
Castilleja fulva
Castilleja galehintoniae
Castilleja genevievana
Castilleja glandulifera
Castilleja gleasoni
Castilleja haydenii
Castilleja hidalgensis
Castilleja hirsuta
Castilleja hispida
Castilleja holmgrenii
Castilleja hyetophila
Castilleja hyparctica
Castilleja hyperborea
Castilleja integra
Castilleja integrifolia
Castilleja irasuensis
Castilleja jiquilpana
Castilleja laciniata
Castilleja linariaefolia
Castilleja lutescens
Castilleja macrostigma
Castilleja mcvaughii
Castilleja meridensis
Castilleja mexicana
Castilleja olgae
Castilleja ophiocephala
Castilleja oresbia
Castilleja pavlovii
Castilleja peckiana
Castilleja pectinata
Castilleja pediaca
Castilleja peruviana
Castilleja plagiotoma
Castilleja porphyrosceptron
Castilleja puberula
Castilleja pulchella
Castilleja pumila
Castilleja purpurea
Castilleja purpusii
Castilleja quiexobrensis
Castilleja quirosii
Castilleja racemosa
Castilleja raupii
Castilleja rubida
Castilleja rubra
Castilleja saltensis
Castilleja scabrida
Castilleja schaffneri
Castilleja schrenkii
Castilleja scorzonerifolia
Castilleja socorrensis
Castilleja stenophylla
Castilleja steyermarkii
Castilleja stipifolia
Castilleja sulphurea
Castilleja talamancensis
Castilleja tancitaroana
Castilleja tapeinoclada
Castilleja tayloriorum
Castilleja tenella
Castilleja tenuiflora
Castilleja tenuifolia
Castilleja thompsonii
Castilleja toluccensis
Castilleja uliginosa
Castilleja venusta
Castilleja victoriae
Castilleja virgata
Castilleja virgayoides
188 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.