Holostemma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. The genus was first described in 1810. As presently constituted, the genus contains only one known species, Holostemma ada-kodien, native to southern Asia (China, Nepal, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand).[2]
Holostemma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. The genus was first described in 1810. As presently constituted, the genus contains only one known species, Holostemma ada-kodien, native to southern Asia (China, Nepal, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand).
formerly included Holostemma chilense, syn of Cynanchum chilense Holostemma laeve, syn of Vincetoxicum laeve Holostemma pictum, syn of Graphistemma pictum Holostemma sinense, syn of Metaplexis hemsleyana