Phlox longifolia Nutt. Longleaf phlox. Buds appear white but flowers are normally pink to lavender (and, rarely, white).April 24, 2011 growing in Salt desert shrub habitat remnant at 4300 ft. elevation, near Murray City Park, Salt Lake County, Utah.
Phlox longifolia Nutt. Longleaf phlox. Some taxonomists recognize two varieties. The form above resembles Phlox longifolia var. stansburyi which is shorter, more compact, stiffer and with leaves shorter and stiffer and which have a more elongated corolla tube, but this form seems to grade into the "var. longifolia" types as well.April 24, 2011 growing in Salt desert shrub habitat remnant at 4300 ft. elevation, near Murray City Park, Salt Lake County, Utah.