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Clubmoss Cassiope

Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don, Edinb. New Phil. Jour
17: 158. 1834.
Andromeda lycopodioides Pall. Fl. Ross, l^: 58. 1788.
Shrub less than 1 dm. tall, with prostrate or creeping slender branches; leaf -blades ovate, 1-1.5 mm. long, obtuse or acutish, scarious-margined, bearded at the apex, at least when young, rounded on the back; pedicels many times as long as the leaves; calyx-lobes broadly ovate to suborbicular, 2.5-3 mm. long, rounded at the apex, erose; corolla 5-6 mm. long; lobes broadly ovate; stamens about 2 mm. long; capsules ovoid, about 3 mm. long.
Type LOCAI.ITY: Shores of the Sea of Okhotsk, Kamtchatka. Distribution: Alaska; also in eastern Asia to Japan. I1.1.USTRAT10NS : Pall. Fl. Ross. pi. 73, f. 1; Proc. Wash. Acad. 3:/. 63.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, NathanieI Lord Britton, Per Axel Rydberg, LeRoy Abrams. 1914. ERICALES, CLETHRACEAE, LENNOACEAE, PTROLACEAE, MONOTROPACEAE, ERICACEAE, UVA-URSI. North American flora. vol 29(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora