Description: Here is one weird fungus found just outside Casal de Ermio near Lousã, Portugal. It was growing near the base of a pine tree (pinheiro) amongst pine needles and ivy. It smelled strongly rotten and flies liked it. There was another young one next to which was a small ivory coloured ball with a slimy split in the top. It was Iain that found the original one of these and took me back there to catch the next one, thanks. Canon EOS 350D, Canon EFS 18-55mm (52mm), f/13 1/8second ISO 100. Tripod and timer in late afternoon sunlight. Levels brought in slightly and hairline black border added using Gimp/Linux. If anyone knows what it is and whether it is specific to this region I would love to know. Thanks.. Date: Taken on 11 December 2006, 16:11. Source:
Clathrus Ruber. Author:
Dave Gough from Somerset, England. Flickr tagsInfoFieldfungi, fungus, red, pink, orange, spongy, slimy, smelly, spacepleb, rebelxt, hollow, alien, portugal, lousa, clathrus ruber, basket stinkhorn, clathrus, stinkhorn. Camera location
40° 09′ 17.79″ N, 8° 14′ 25.88″ W View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 40.154941; -8.240523.