Cambell Rd. near Percy Priest Lake, TN, Rutherford County, Tennessee, US
Cambell Rd. near Percy Priest Lake, TN, Rutherford County, Tennessee, US
Cambell Rd. near Percy Priest Lake, TN, Rutherford County, Tennessee, US
Habitat view. Annual plants totally dominate, to near exclusion of all perennial species on this large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse alluvial basin soil over volcanic substrate. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, totally dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Annual plants 6' to 3' tall, dominate a large area of overgrazed former grassland on coarse volcanic alluvial basin soil. SYN: Gutierrezia d., Xanthocephalum d.
Amphiachyris are the neatly rounded compact-crowned plants on the right side of the popoulation. Feathery-topped, more ragged plants on the left of the population are Gutierrezia texana var. glutinosa.