
Aegialia browni (Saylor)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Aegialia (Leptaegialia) browni Saylor)

Aegialia (Leptaegialia) browni Saylor, 1934:74—Stebnicka, 1977:434

DESCRIPTION—Length 40 to 50 mm, greatest width 160 to 20 mm (Figure 5) Color yellowish brown to dark reddish brown Head densely punctate; clypeus granulate, nearly truncate apically, gena slightly produced Pronotum with coarse punctations separated by less than a diameter except becoming sparse in lateral fourth, lateral margin crenate near anterior, posterior angles Elytron with humerus feebly dentate; surface shiny, feebly alutaceous, interval convex, stria impressed with moderate punctations separated by slightly more than a diameter Anterior tibia with emargination between external teeth rounded, distinct, apical spur of male truncate, inner angle produced, outer angle rounded Hindtibia elongate, 3 times as long as wide, hindtibial spurs slender, about as long as first 2½ tarsal segments Male genitalia as in Figure 37; female genital plate as figured by Stebnicka (1977, fig 35)

TYPE LOCALITY—California, Wolverton, Sequoia National Park, 7000–9000 ft (2134–2743 m)


REMARKS—This species resembles A montana except that the average length of A browni is greater, the pronotum has some coarse punctations on the lateral fourth, and the emarginations between the external teeth on the anterior tibia are distinct The species discussed by Cornell (1967:189) as A browni was incorrectly identified It is actually A montana and the larval description applies to the latter species

DISTRIBUTION—California and Oregon New Records: USA, California: Butte Co, 5 mi (8 km) North Butte Meadows; Lake Tahoe, Carnelia Bay; Tehama Co, Battle Creek Meadow

Psammoporus Thomson, 1863:72

Dimalia Mulsant and Rey, 1871:406

Aegialia (Psammoporus)—Brown, 1931:16—Stebnicka, 1977:465(Type–species: Scarabaeus sabuleti Panzer (by monotypy))

Form oblong, moderately convex Head punctate, punctations more or less discrete; clypeus granulate, lacking punctations Terminal segment of maxillary palpus cylindrical Pronotum with side, base margined, lateral border crenate, surface densely, coarsely punctate including posterior angle Elytron oblong oval, with humerus not or feebly dentate Middle and hindtibiae slender, without complete transverse carina, apical spurs slender, never foliaceous Male with anterior pronotal angle produced, lateral margin straight, last abdominal sternum depressed medially; female with anterior pronotal angle not produced, lateral margin curved, last abdominal sternum not depressed medially

Brown (1931) and Stebnicka (1977) included 6 species in Psammoporus The larva of A lacustris, described by Jerath (1960:48), is the only species of Psammoporus for which there is a larval description Members of this subgenus are usually collected in damp areas, often near the margins of streams and ponds; they are apparently not as strongly psammophilous as are members of Aegialia, sensu stricto, but prefer a gravelly or rocky substrate, an observation based on the available locality data and specimen label data
bibliographic citation
Gordon, Robert Donald and Cartwright, Oscar Ling. 1988. "North American representatives of the Tribe Aegialiini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-37. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.461