Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Sartwellia mexicana A. Gray; (S. Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 18: 107, hyponym. 1882), Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 34. 1884.
An erect perennial herb; stem 3-4 dm. high, branched above, glabrous; leaves narrowly linear, 3-5 cm. long, less than 1 mm. wide, glabrous; heads about 10-flowered; involucre glabrous, 2 mm. high; bracts 5 or 6, oval; ray-flowers 3-5; ligules oval, 1 mm. long; diskcorollas 2 mm. long; tube glabrous; achenes 1 mm. long, hispidulous on the ribs; pappus of 5 oblong erose squamellae, 1 mm. long, and alternating with them 5 hispidulous bristles about half longer, all united at the very base.
Type locality: Near Monclova and San Lorenzo de Laguna, south of Parras, Coahuila. Distribution: Coahuila and Zacatecas.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1915. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE, TAGETEAE. North American flora. vol 34(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY