Description: English: Plant which grows in abundance along the sandy shorelines near the forest edge of the
South Saskatchewan River near
Saskatoon Saskatchewan Bears burrs in the autumn which the puppy dogs take with them in the off leash dog parks :-)
American Licorice or Wild licorice (Glycyrrhiza lepidota) Kershaw, Linda (2003) Saskatchewan Wayside Wildflowers,
Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing, pp. 49
1-55105-354-3. Vance, F R (1999) Wildflowers across the prairies With a new section on Grasses, sedges and rushes,
Vancouver, British Columbia: Western Producer Prairie Books, pp. 135
1-55054-703-8. Wilkinson, Kathleen (1999) Wildflowers of Alberta A Guideto Common Wildflowers and Other Herbaceous Plants, Edmonton Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing and University of Alberta, pp. 113
0-88864-298-9. Carmichael, Lloyd T (1961) Prairie Wildflowers,
Toronto: J.M Dent and sons (Canada) Limited, McCorquodale and Blades (Printers) Ltd, pp. 132 - 133. Source: Own work. Author: