Image of Columbia milkvetch
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Columbia Milkvetch

Astragalus succumbens Dougl.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Hamosa succumbens (Dougl.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 54; 14. 1927.
Astragalus succumbens Dougl.; Hook. Fl. gor. Am. 1: 151. 1831. Astragalus dorychnioides Dougl.; G. Don, Gen. Hist. 2: 258. 1833. Tragacanlha succumbens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 948. 1891. Phaca succumbens Piper, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. II: 370. 1906.
A perennial, branched below; stems rather stout, flexuose, 2-4 dm. long, hirsute with spreading or retrorse hairs, decumbent or ascending; leaves spreading, 5-10 cm. long; stipules lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 1 cm. long; leaflets 13-17, obovate to elliptic, 1-2 cm. long, 5-8 mm. wide, obtuse, hirsute on both sides; peduncles stout, spreading, 3-5 cm. long; racemes dense, head-like; bracts linear-subulate, falcate, about 1 cm. long, pubescent; calyx hirsute, the tube about S mm. long, 3 mm. wide, the teeth subulate, 3-4 mm. long; corolla white or tinged with rose, about 2 cm. long; banner oblong-obovate, retuse; wings fully as long, the blade oblong, with a rounded basal auricle; keel-petals much shorter, the blade broadly lunate, nearly semicircular, with a large basal auricle; pod oblong, slightly arcuate, glabrous, 3-4 cm. long, 5-6 mm. wide and 3 mm. thick, deeply sulcate on the lower suture, abruptly acuminate, inversely Y-shaped in cross-section.
Type locality: Barren grounds of the Columbia, Washington. Distribution: Columbia Valley of Washington and Oregon.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora