Figures 1–6.Photomicrographs of male of Chalicodoma (Alocanthedon) odontophorum Engel, sp. n. 1 Dorsal habitus 2 Facial aspect 3 Dorsal aspect of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum 4 Detail of forewing medial cell 5 Protarsus, pro-pretarsus, and protibia 6 Dorsal aspect of metasomal terga V and VI.
Favízia Freitas de Oliveira, Thiago Mahlmann, Michael S. Engel
Figures 1–2.Photomicrographs of paratype (SEMC) male of Chilicola (Hylaeosoma) kevani Oliveira, Mahlmann, and Engel sp. n. 1 Lateral habitus 2 Facial aspect.