Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: drawing. Image scaling: microscope low magnification. Photographic equipment used: "Camera Lucida drawings scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: drawing. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: "Camera Lucida drawings scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: drawing. Image scaling: highly magnified. Photographic equipment used: "Camera Lucida drawings scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.5. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in Brachypodium on N-facing downland. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.6. Latitude (deg): 51.1. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 10' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in grassland. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.6. Latitude (deg): 51.1. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 10' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in grass at side of woodland path. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.6. Latitude (deg): 51.1. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 10' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in grass at side of path through woodland clearing . Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in field amongst short grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in field amongst short grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in field amongst short grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in field amongst short grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 30' N. Vice county name: Surrey. Vice county no.: 17. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in field amongst short grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.7. Latitude (deg): 51.0. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 10' N. Vice county name: North Hants. Vice county no.: 12. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in short scrubby grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.8. Latitude (deg): 51.0. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 0' N. Vice county name: North Hants. Vice county no.: 12. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: amongst grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Longitude (deg): -0.8. Latitude (deg): 51.0. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 50' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 0' N. Vice county name: North Hants. Vice county no.: 12. Country: England. Stage: Fruitbody. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: amongst grass. Category: notes. Photographic equipment used: "Handwritten notes scanned with HP Scanjet 5470c flatbed scanner. Most of these were named at the time, but many (most?) names have now changed due to advances in knowledge (or occasionally mistakes on my part).".
Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., syn.: Agaricus conicus Schaeff., Godfrinia conica (Schaeff.) Maire, Hygrocybe cinereifolia Courtec. & Priou, Hygrocybe conicopalustris R. Haller Aar., Hygrocybe pseudoconica J.E. Lange, Hygrophorus conicus (Schaeff.) Fr., Hypophyllum conicum (Schaeff.) Paulet, Hygrophorus nigrescens var. brevisporus DennisFamily: HygrophoraceaeEN: Blackening Waxcap, DE: Kegelige Saftling, Schwrzende SaftlingSlo.: koniasta vlanicaDat.: Sept. 20. 2022Lat.: 46.35926 Long.: 13.69890, WGS84Code: Bot_1483/2022_DSC8660Habitat: mixed wood, at the side of a trail; moderately inclined mountain slope, south aspect; calcareous, colluvial, skeletal ground; in shade; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 615 m (2.020 feet), alpine phytogeographical region (M. Wraber, 1969).Substratum: soil.Place: Lower Trenta valley, between villages Soa and Trenta, right bank of river Soa; near abandoned farmhouse Strgulc, Soa 47, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC. Comments (pertain to pictures in the Flickr album Hygrocybe-conica_II): Mushrooms in the genus Hygrocybe are among the most beautiful of all growing in Slovenia. Waxy, shiny, vividly colored in all shades of rainbow are always a happy experience for me and I cannot resist to take some pictures of them. Hygrocybe conica is one of the commonest in my vicinity. It is of deep red color; however, it blackens immediately when touched and soon becomes all but beautifully.Ref.:(1) D. Boertmann, Hygrocybe, 2nd Rev., Svampetryk (2010), (2) M. Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 104. (3) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 3, Ulmer (2001), p 45. (4) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 72. (5) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 266.(6) A. Poler, Veselo po gobe (in Slovene), Mohorjeva druba Celovec (2002), p 300.
Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., syn.: Agaricus conicus Schaeff., Godfrinia conica (Schaeff.) Maire, Hygrocybe cinereifolia Courtec. & Priou, Hygrocybe conicopalustris R. Haller Aar., Hygrocybe pseudoconica J.E. Lange, Hygrophorus conicus (Schaeff.) Fr., Hypophyllum conicum (Schaeff.) Paulet, Hygrophorus nigrescens var. brevisporus DennisFamily: HygrophoraceaeEN: Blackening Waxcap, DE: Kegelige Saftling, Schwrzende SaftlingSlo.: koniasta vlanicaDat.: Sept. 20. 2022Lat.: 46.35926 Long.: 13.69890, WGS84Code: Bot_1483/2022_DSC8660Habitat: mixed wood, at the side of a trail; moderately inclined mountain slope, south aspect; calcareous, colluvial, skeletal ground; in shade; partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 615 m (2.020 feet), alpine phytogeographical region (M. Wraber, 1969).Substratum: soil.Place: Lower Trenta valley, between villages Soa and Trenta, right bank of river Soa; near abandoned farmhouse Strgulc, Soa 47, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC. Comments (pertain to pictures in the Flickr album Hygrocybe-conica_II): Mushrooms in the genus Hygrocybe are among the most beautiful of all growing in Slovenia. Waxy, shiny, vividly colored in all shades of rainbow are always a happy experience for me and I cannot resist to take some pictures of them. Hygrocybe conica is one of the commonest in my vicinity. It is of deep red color; however, it blackens immediately when touched and soon becomes all but beautifully.Ref.:(1) D. Boertmann, Hygrocybe, 2nd Rev., Svampetryk (2010), (2) M. Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 104. (3) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 3, Ulmer (2001), p 45. (4) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 72. (5) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 266.(6) A. Poler, Veselo po gobe (in Slovene), Mohorjeva druba Celovec (2002), p 300.
Edwardstone, England, United Kingdom
Hygrocybe conicaBlackening WaxcapSlo.: koniasta vlanicaDat.: Sept. 29. 2012Lat.: 46.35936 Long.: 13.70108Code: Bot_659/2012_DSC5158Habitat: Light mixed wood, mostly bushes of Salix sp., Corylus avellana, small Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica; next to a mountain torrent; moderately inclined south oriented mountain slope; sandy, poor soil; calcareous ground; partly in shade, exposed to direct rain; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 590 m (1.900 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Substratum: sandy, base rich, nutrients poor soil.Place: Lower Trenta valley, southwest of Na Melu place, near Trenta 2b home, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comments: Spore shape and dimensions show large variability. Based on Ref.:(1) these were predominantly two-spores basidia type fruitbodies, however this was not proven microscopically. Growing in a small group of a few fruitbodies. Pileus diameter up to 6 cm (expanded), sticky, from yellowish (oac755) and reddish (oac755) to black; fruitbodies up to 10 cm tall; stem longitudinally fibrous, dry, yellow (oac851) to black; gills pale yellow (oac858) to gold yellow (oac1), flesh beige-gray-yellowish (oac851), blackening; taste and smell indistinctive, SP whitish, light beige, oac851. Spore dimensions: 10.1 (SD = 0.8) x 6.3 (SD = 0.7) micr., Q = 1.62 (SD = 0.17), n = 27. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. AmScope AM500. Ref.:(1) D. Boertmann, Hygrocybe, 2nd Rev., Svampetryk (2010), (2) M.Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 104. (3) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 3, Ulmer (2001), p 45. (4) R.Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 72. (5) S.Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 266.(6) A.Poler, Veselo po gobe (in Slovene), Mohorjeva druba Celovec (2002), p 300.
Hygrocybe conicaBlackening WaxcapSlo.: koniasta vlanicaDat.: Sept. 29. 2012Lat.: 46.35936 Long.: 13.70108Code: Bot_659/2012_DSC5158Habitat: Light mixed wood, mostly bushes of Salix sp., Corylus avellana, small Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica; next to a mountain torrent; moderately inclined south oriented mountain slope; sandy, poor soil; calcareous ground; partly in shade, exposed to direct rain; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 590 m (1.900 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Substratum: sandy, base rich, nutrients poor soil.Place: Lower Trenta valley, southwest of Na Melu place, near Trenta 2b home, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comments: Spore shape and dimensions show large variability. Based on Ref.:(1) these were predominantly two-spores basidia type fruitbodies, however this was not proven microscopically. Growing in a small group of a few fruitbodies. Pileus diameter up to 6 cm (expanded), sticky, from yellowish (oac755) and reddish (oac755) to black; fruitbodies up to 10 cm tall; stem longitudinally fibrous, dry, yellow (oac851) to black; gills pale yellow (oac858) to gold yellow (oac1), flesh beige-gray-yellowish (oac851), blackening; taste and smell indistinctive, SP whitish, light beige, oac851. Spore dimensions: 10.1 (SD = 0.8) x 6.3 (SD = 0.7) micr., Q = 1.62 (SD = 0.17), n = 27. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. AmScope AM500. Ref.:(1) D. Boertmann, Hygrocybe, 2nd Rev., Svampetryk (2010), (2) M.Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 104. (3) G.J.Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 3, Ulmer (2001), p 45. (4) R.Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 72. (5) S.Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 266.(6) A.Poler, Veselo po gobe (in Slovene), Mohorjeva druba Celovec (2002), p 300.