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Português do Brasil
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Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Cellular Organisms
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Mushroom Forming Fungi
Gilled Fungi
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
Species recognized by
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
Recognized by
Mushroom Observer
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
Maire 1931
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Barcode of Life Data Systems
, and
iNaturalist data coverage
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
, and
GBIF data coverage
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Sarcoloma porphyrosporum (Maire) Locq. 1979
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Sarcoloma porphyrosporum
(Maire) Locq. 1979
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Sarcoloma porphyrosporum (Maire) Locq. 1979
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
(this page)
Hebeloma aberrans Singer 1949
Hebeloma aestivale Vesterh. 1995
Hebeloma alachuanum Murrill 1942
Hebeloma albocolossum M. M. Moser 1986
Hebeloma albomarginatum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma alvarense Vesterh. & Vauras 2004
Hebeloma amarellum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma angustispermum A. Pearson 1950
Hebeloma angustisporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum Beker, Vesterh. & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma austroamericanum (Speg.) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma bicoloratum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire 1937
Hebeloma californicum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma cinereum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma cistophilum Maire 1928
Hebeloma clavulipes Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma colossus Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma colvini (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma coniferarum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma coprophilum Rick 1907
Hebeloma crassipes Rick 1961
Hebeloma cremeopallidum (Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop) Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop 1997
Hebeloma cremeum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél. 1872
Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma discomorbidum (Peck) Peck 1910
Hebeloma dissiliens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U. Eberh. & Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma dunense L. Corb. & R. Heim 1929
Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma erebium (Huijsman) Beker & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma exiguifolium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma farinaceum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma flaccidum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma flavescens Rick 1930
Hebeloma flexuosipes Peck 1911
Hebeloma floridanum Murrill 1940
Hebeloma fragrantissimum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma fuscostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch. 1981
Hebeloma grandisporum Beker, U. Eberh. & A. Ronikier 2015
Hebeloma griseocanescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma griseocanum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma hemisphaericum Herp. 1912
Hebeloma hydrocybeoides A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma islandicum Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma kammala Grgur. 1997
Hebeloma lactariolens (Clémençon & Hongo) B. J. Rees & Orlovich 2013
Hebeloma lacteocoffeatum B. J. Rees 2013
Hebeloma lamelliconfertum Cleland 1934
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma lateritium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma latisporum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma macrosporum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma majale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma mammillatum Velen. 1939
Hebeloma mammosum Rick 1930
Hebeloma marginatulum (J. Favre) Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma minus Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma neurophyllum G. F. Atk. 1909
Hebeloma ollaliense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallidomarginatum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma parvifructum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma pascuense Peck 1901
Hebeloma perpallidum M. M. Moser 1970
Hebeloma perplexum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma piceicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pinetorum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pitkinense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma politum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma praefelleum Murrill 1945
Hebeloma psammicola Bohus 1978
Hebeloma psammophilum Bon 1986
Hebeloma pseudofastabile A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pubescens Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma rivulosum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma sinuosum (Fr.) Quél. 1873
Hebeloma solheimii A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma sporadicum A. H. Sm. 1938
Hebeloma sterlingii (Peck) Murrill 1917
Hebeloma subboreale A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subcapitatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subhepaticum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subplatense Rick 1938
Hebeloma subrimosum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subumbrinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subviolaceum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma urbanicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma utahense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma vaccinum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma vatricosoides Murrill 1917
Hebeloma vernale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet 1876
Hebeloma vinosophyllum Hongo 1965
Hebeloma virgatum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma wellsiae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
254 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire
(this page)
Hebeloma aberrans Singer
Hebeloma aeruginosum Murrill
Hebeloma aestivale Vesterh.
Hebeloma affine A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma agglutinatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma aggregatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma alabamense Murrill
Hebeloma alachuanum Murrill
Hebeloma albidulum Peck
Hebeloma albipes Herp.
Hebeloma albocolossum M. M. Moser
Hebeloma alboerumpens Vila, Beker & U. Eberh.
Hebeloma album Peck
Hebeloma alpinicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma alpinum (J. Favre) Bruchet
Hebeloma amarellum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma aminophilum R. N. Hilton & O. K. Mill.
Hebeloma ammophilum Bohus
Hebeloma angelesiense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma angustilamellatum (Zhu L. Yang & Z. W. Ge) B. J. Rees & Orlovich
Hebeloma angustispermum A. Pearson
Hebeloma angustisporium Hesler
Hebeloma anthracophilum Maire
Hebeloma aprile Romagn.
Hebeloma arenicolor (Cooke & Massee) Sacc.
Hebeloma arenosum Burds., Macfall & M. A. Albers
Hebeloma argentinum Speg.
Hebeloma asperulatum Hesler
Hebeloma atrifulvifolium Murrill
Hebeloma atrobrunneum Vesterh.
Hebeloma aurantiellum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum Beker, Vesterh. & U. Eberh.
Hebeloma australe Murrill
Hebeloma austroamericanum (Speg.) Sacc.
Hebeloma avellaneum Kauffman
Hebeloma bakeri Earle
Hebeloma barrowsii A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma bicoloratum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma birrus (Fr.) Gillet
Hebeloma boulderense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma bruchetii Bon
Hebeloma brunneifolium Hesler
Hebeloma brunneodiscum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma bryogenes Vesterh.
Hebeloma bulbaceum Herp.
Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire
Hebeloma busporus E. H. L. Krause
Hebeloma caespitosum Velen.
Hebeloma californicum Murrill
Hebeloma calyptrosporum Bruchet
Hebeloma catalaunicum Beker, U. Eberh., Grilli & Vila
Hebeloma caulocystidiosum Hesler
Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman
Hebeloma celatum Grilli, U. Eberh. & Beker
Hebeloma chapmaniae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma chlorophyllum Speg.
Hebeloma cinereostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma cinereum Velen.
Hebeloma circinans (Quél.) Sacc.
Hebeloma cistophilum Maire
Hebeloma coarctatum (Cooke & Massee) Pegler
Hebeloma collariatum Bruchet
Hebeloma colossus Huijsman
Hebeloma commune (Peck) Murrill
Hebeloma coniferarum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma corrugatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma cortinarioides E. H. L. Krause
Hebeloma crassipes Rick
Hebeloma cremeopallidum (Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop) Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop
Hebeloma cremeum Murrill
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél.
Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn.
Hebeloma discomorbidum (Peck) Peck
Hebeloma dissiliens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U. Eberh. & Vesterh.
Hebeloma dryophilum Murrill
Hebeloma dunense L. Corb. & R. Heim
Hebeloma duracinoides Bidaud & Fillion
Hebeloma earlei Murrill
Hebeloma eburneum Malençon
Hebeloma echinosporum Beker & U. Eberh.
Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium Hesler
Hebeloma erumpens Contu
Hebeloma evensoniae A. H. Sm. & Mitchel
Hebeloma excedens (Peck) Sacc.
Hebeloma farinaceum Murrill
Hebeloma favrei Romagn. & Quadr.
Hebeloma felipponei Speg.
Hebeloma felleum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma flaccidum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma flavescens Rick
Hebeloma floridanum Murrill
Hebeloma fragilipes Romagn.
Hebeloma fragilius (Peck) Sacc.
Hebeloma fragrantissimum Velen.
Hebeloma frenchii McAlpine
Hebeloma fuscatum Beker & U. Eberh.
Hebeloma fuscostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch.
253 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
(this page)
Hebeloma aberrans Singer 1949
Hebeloma aestivale Vesterh. 1995
Hebeloma alachuanum Murrill 1942
Hebeloma albocolossum M. M. Moser 1986
Hebeloma albomarginatum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma alvarense Vesterh. & Vauras 2004
Hebeloma amarellum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma angustispermum A. Pearson 1950
Hebeloma angustisporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum Beker, Vesterh. & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma austroamericanum (Speg.) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma bicoloratum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire 1937
Hebeloma californicum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma cinereum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma cistophilum Maire 1928
Hebeloma clavulipes Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma colossus Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma colvini (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma coniferarum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma crassipes Rick 1961
Hebeloma cremeopallidum (Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop) Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop 1997
Hebeloma cremeum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél. 1872
Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma discomorbidum (Peck) Peck 1910
Hebeloma dissiliens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U. Eberh. & Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma dunense L. Corb. & R. Heim 1929
Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma erebium (Huijsman) Beker & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma exiguifolium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma farinaceum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma flaccidum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma flavescens Rick 1930
Hebeloma floridanum Murrill 1940
Hebeloma fragrantissimum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma fuscostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch. 1981
Hebeloma grandisporum Beker, U. Eberh. & A. Ronikier 2015
Hebeloma griseocanescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma griseocanum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma hemisphaericum Herp. 1912
Hebeloma hiemale Bres. 1892
Hebeloma hydrocybeoides A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma ifeleletorum Kropp 2015
Hebeloma islandicum Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma kammala Grgur. 1997
Hebeloma lactariolens (Clémençon & Hongo) B. J. Rees & Orlovich 2013
Hebeloma lacteocoffeatum B. J. Rees 2013
Hebeloma lamelliconfertum Cleland 1934
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma lateritium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma latisporum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma macrosporum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma majale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma mammillatum Velen. 1939
Hebeloma mammosum Rick 1930
Hebeloma marginatulum (J. Favre) Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma minus Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma neurophyllum G. F. Atk. 1909
Hebeloma ollaliense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallidomarginatum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma pascuense Peck 1901
Hebeloma perpallidum M. M. Moser 1970
Hebeloma perplexum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma piceicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pinetorum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pitkinense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma politum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma praefelleum Murrill 1945
Hebeloma psammicola Bohus 1978
Hebeloma psammophilum Bon 1986
Hebeloma pseudofastabile A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pubescens Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma rivulosum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma sinuosum (Fr.) Quél. 1873
Hebeloma solheimii A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma sporadicum A. H. Sm. 1938
Hebeloma sterlingii (Peck) Murrill 1917
Hebeloma subboreale A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subcapitatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subhepaticum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subincarnatum Murrill 1912
Hebeloma subplatense Rick 1938
Hebeloma subrimosum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subumbrinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subviolaceum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma urbanicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma utahense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma vaccinum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma vatricosoides Murrill 1917
Hebeloma vernale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet 1876
Hebeloma vinosophyllum Hongo 1965
Hebeloma virgatum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma wellsiae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
243 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
(this page)
Hebeloma aberrans Singer 1949
Hebeloma aestivale Vesterh. 1995
Hebeloma alachuanum Murrill 1942
Hebeloma albocolossum M. M. Moser 1986
Hebeloma albomarginatum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma alvarense Vesterh. & Vauras 2004
Hebeloma amarellum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma angustispermum A. Pearson 1950
Hebeloma angustisporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum Beker, Vesterh. & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma austroamericanum (Speg.) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma bicoloratum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire 1937
Hebeloma californicum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma cinereum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma cistophilum Maire 1928
Hebeloma clavulipes Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma colossus Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma colvini (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma coniferarum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma coprophilum Rick 1907
Hebeloma crassipes Rick 1961
Hebeloma cremeopallidum (Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop) Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop 1997
Hebeloma cremeum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél. 1872
Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma discomorbidum (Peck) Peck 1910
Hebeloma dissiliens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U. Eberh. & Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma dunense L. Corb. & R. Heim 1929
Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma erebium (Huijsman) Beker & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma exiguifolium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma farinaceum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma flaccidum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma flavescens Rick 1930
Hebeloma flexuosipes Peck 1911
Hebeloma floridanum Murrill 1940
Hebeloma fragrantissimum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma fuscostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch. 1981
Hebeloma grandisporum Beker, U. Eberh. & A. Ronikier 2015
Hebeloma griseocanescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma griseocanum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma hemisphaericum Herp. 1912
Hebeloma hydrocybeoides A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma islandicum Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma kammala Grgur. 1997
Hebeloma lactariolens (Clémençon & Hongo) B. J. Rees & Orlovich 2013
Hebeloma lacteocoffeatum B. J. Rees 2013
Hebeloma lamelliconfertum Cleland 1934
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma lateritium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma latisporum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma macrosporum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma majale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma mammillatum Velen. 1939
Hebeloma mammosum Rick 1930
Hebeloma marginatulum (J. Favre) Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma minus Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma neurophyllum G. F. Atk. 1909
Hebeloma ollaliense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallidomarginatum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma parvifructum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma pascuense Peck 1901
Hebeloma perpallidum M. M. Moser 1970
Hebeloma perplexum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma piceicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pinetorum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pitkinense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma politum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma praefelleum Murrill 1945
Hebeloma psammicola Bohus 1978
Hebeloma psammophilum Bon 1986
Hebeloma pseudofastabile A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pubescens Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma rivulosum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma sinuosum (Fr.) Quél. 1873
Hebeloma solheimii A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma sporadicum A. H. Sm. 1938
Hebeloma sterlingii (Peck) Murrill 1917
Hebeloma subboreale A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subcapitatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subhepaticum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subplatense Rick 1938
Hebeloma subrimosum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subumbrinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subviolaceum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma urbanicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma utahense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma vaccinum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma vatricosoides Murrill 1917
Hebeloma vernale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet 1876
Hebeloma vinosophyllum Hongo 1965
Hebeloma virgatum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma wellsiae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
254 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire 1931
(this page)
Hebeloma aberrans Singer 1949
Hebeloma aestivale Vesterh. 1995
Hebeloma alachuanum Murrill 1942
Hebeloma albocolossum M. M. Moser 1986
Hebeloma albomarginatum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma alvarense Vesterh. & Vauras 2004
Hebeloma amarellum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma angustispermum A. Pearson 1950
Hebeloma angustisporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum Beker, Vesterh. & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma austroamericanum (Speg.) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma bicoloratum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire 1937
Hebeloma californicum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma cinereum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma cistophilum Maire 1928
Hebeloma clavulipes Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma colossus Huijsman 1961
Hebeloma colvini (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma coniferarum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma crassipes Rick 1961
Hebeloma cremeopallidum (Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop) Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop 1997
Hebeloma cremeum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél. 1872
Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma discomorbidum (Peck) Peck 1910
Hebeloma dissiliens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U. Eberh. & Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma dunense L. Corb. & R. Heim 1929
Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium Hesler 1977
Hebeloma erebium (Huijsman) Beker & U. Eberh. 2015
Hebeloma exiguifolium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma farinaceum Murrill 1917
Hebeloma flaccidum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma flavescens Rick 1930
Hebeloma floridanum Murrill 1940
Hebeloma fragrantissimum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma fuscostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch. 1981
Hebeloma grandisporum Beker, U. Eberh. & A. Ronikier 2015
Hebeloma griseocanescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma griseocanum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma hemisphaericum Herp. 1912
Hebeloma hiemale Bres. 1892
Hebeloma hydrocybeoides A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma ifeleletorum Kropp 2015
Hebeloma islandicum Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma kammala Grgur. 1997
Hebeloma lactariolens (Clémençon & Hongo) B. J. Rees & Orlovich 2013
Hebeloma lacteocoffeatum B. J. Rees 2013
Hebeloma lamelliconfertum Cleland 1934
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh. 2005
Hebeloma lateritium Murrill 1917
Hebeloma latisporum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma macrosporum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma majale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma mammillatum Velen. 1939
Hebeloma mammosum Rick 1930
Hebeloma marginatulum (J. Favre) Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma minus Bruchet 1970
Hebeloma neurophyllum G. F. Atk. 1909
Hebeloma ollaliense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallescens A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pallidomarginatum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
Hebeloma pascuense Peck 1901
Hebeloma perpallidum M. M. Moser 1970
Hebeloma perplexum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma piceicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pinetorum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pitkinense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma politum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma praefelleum Murrill 1945
Hebeloma psammicola Bohus 1978
Hebeloma psammophilum Bon 1986
Hebeloma pseudofastabile A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma pubescens Beker & U. Eberh. 2016
Hebeloma rivulosum Hesler 1977
Hebeloma sinuosum (Fr.) Quél. 1873
Hebeloma solheimii A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma sporadicum A. H. Sm. 1938
Hebeloma sterlingii (Peck) Murrill 1917
Hebeloma subboreale A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subcapitatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subhepaticum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subincarnatum Murrill 1912
Hebeloma subplatense Rick 1938
Hebeloma subrimosum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subumbrinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma subviolaceum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma urbanicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma utahense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
Hebeloma vaccinum Romagn. 1965
Hebeloma vatricosoides Murrill 1917
Hebeloma vernale Velen. 1920
Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet 1876
Hebeloma vinosophyllum Hongo 1965
Hebeloma virgatum Velen. 1920
Hebeloma wellsiae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel 1983
243 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm.
Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire
(this page)
Hebeloma aeruginosum Murrill
Hebeloma aestivale Vesterh.
Hebeloma albipes Herp.
Hebeloma alpinicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma alpinum (J. Favre) Bruchet
Hebeloma aminophilum R. N. Hilton & O. K. Mill.
Hebeloma ammophilum Bohus
Hebeloma anthracophilum Maire
Hebeloma araneosa Burds.
Hebeloma arenosum Burds., Macfall & M. A. Albers
Hebeloma atrobrunneum Vesterh.
Hebeloma bruchetii Bon
Hebeloma brunneodiscum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma caespitosum Velen.
Hebeloma californicum Murrill
Hebeloma candidipes Bruchet
Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman
Hebeloma chlorophyllum Speg.
Hebeloma circinans (Quél.) Sacc.
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél.
Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn.
Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U. Eberh. & Vesterh.
Hebeloma dunense L. Corb. & R. Heim
Hebeloma earlei Murrill
Hebeloma fragilipes Romagn.
Hebeloma fuscostipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma fusipes Sacc.
Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch.
Hebeloma gigaspermum Gröger & Zschiesch.
Hebeloma gomezii Singer
Hebeloma helodes J. Favre
Hebeloma hesleri A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma hetieri Boud.
Hebeloma hiemale Bres.
Hebeloma hydrocybeoides A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma idahoense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma immutabile A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma incarnatulum A. H. Sm.
Hebeloma ingratum Bruchet
Hebeloma insigne A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma juneauense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma kanouseae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma kauffmanii A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma kelloggense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma kemptoniae A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh.
Hebeloma leucosarx P. D. Orton
Hebeloma lignicola Rick
Hebeloma lutescentipes A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma macrosporum Velen.
Hebeloma majale Velen.
Hebeloma marginatulum (J. Favre) Bruchet
Hebeloma maritinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma mediorufum Soop
Hebeloma mentiens P. Karst.
Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Quél.
Hebeloma naucorioides Rick
Hebeloma obscurum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma occidentale A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma ochraceum W. F. Chiu
Hebeloma ochroalbidum Bohus
Hebeloma oculatum Bruchet
Hebeloma odoratum Velen.
Hebeloma ollaliense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma pallidoluctuosum Gröger & Zschiesch.
Hebeloma paludicola Murrill
Hebeloma perigoense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma perpallidum M. M. Moser
Hebeloma populinum Romagn.
Hebeloma praefarinaceum Murrill
Hebeloma psammophilum Bon
Hebeloma pseudoamarescens (Kühner & Romagn.) P. Collin
Hebeloma pseudofastabile A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma punctatum (Schaeff.) P. Kumm.
Hebeloma pusillum J. E. Lange
Hebeloma quercetorum Quadr.
Hebeloma radicosum (Bull.) Ricken
Hebeloma sacchariolens Quél.
Hebeloma serratum (Cleland) E. Horak
Hebeloma sordescens Vesterh.
Hebeloma sordidum Maire
Hebeloma stenocystis J. Favre
Hebeloma sublamellatum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma subsaponaceum P. Karst.
Hebeloma substrophosum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma subumbrinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma subviolaceum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma syrjense P. Karst.
Hebeloma tenuifolium Romagn.
Hebeloma theobrominum Quadr.
Hebeloma trinidadense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma urbanicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma utahense A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma vaccinum Romagn.
Hebeloma vejlense Vesterh.
Hebeloma victoriense A. A. Holland & Pegler
Hebeloma vinaceogriseum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma vinaceoumbrinum A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel
Hebeloma vinosophyllum Hongo
270 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
(this page)
Hebeloma aanenii
Hebeloma aestivale
Hebeloma aggregatum
Hebeloma albocolossum
Hebeloma alboerumpens
Hebeloma alpinum
Hebeloma ammophilum
Hebeloma arenosum
Hebeloma atrobrunneum
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum
Hebeloma bruchetii
Hebeloma brunneifolium
Hebeloma bryogenes
Hebeloma calyptrosporum
Hebeloma catalaunicum
Hebeloma celatum
Hebeloma clavulipes
Hebeloma colossus
Hebeloma dissiliens
Hebeloma dunense
Hebeloma duracinoides
Hebeloma eburneum
Hebeloma echinosporum
Hebeloma erebium
Hebeloma fastibile
Hebeloma felleum
Hebeloma flaccidum
Hebeloma fragilipes
Hebeloma fuscatum
Hebeloma fusisporum
Hebeloma geminatum
Hebeloma grandisporum
Hebeloma gregarium
Hebeloma griseopruinatum
Hebeloma hetieri
Hebeloma hygrophilum
Hebeloma ingratum
Hebeloma insigne
Hebeloma ischnostylum
Hebeloma islandicum
Hebeloma laetitiae
Hebeloma laterinum
Hebeloma limbatum
Hebeloma lindae
Hebeloma longicaudum
Hebeloma louiseae
Hebeloma luteicystidiatum
Hebeloma lutense
Hebeloma malenconii
Hebeloma marginatulum
Hebeloma matritense
Hebeloma melleum
Hebeloma monticola
Hebeloma nanum
Hebeloma nauseosum
Hebeloma naviculosporum
Hebeloma nigellum
Hebeloma ochroalbidum
Hebeloma oculatum
Hebeloma odoratissimum
Hebeloma olympianum
Hebeloma oregonense
Hebeloma oreophilum
Hebeloma pallidolabiatum
Hebeloma pallidoluctuosum
Hebeloma pallidum
Hebeloma pamphiliense
Hebeloma parvicystidiatum
Hebeloma perexiguum
Hebeloma perpallidum
Hebeloma plesiocistum
Hebeloma polare
Hebeloma populinum
Hebeloma psammophilum
Hebeloma pseudofragilipes
Hebeloma pubescens
Hebeloma pumilum
Hebeloma quercetorum
Hebeloma radicosoides
Hebeloma remyi
Hebeloma repandum
Hebeloma rostratum
Hebeloma salicicola
Hebeloma saliciphilum
Hebeloma senescens
Hebeloma sordescens
Hebeloma spetsbergense
Hebeloma sporadicum
Hebeloma stenocystis
Hebeloma subconcolor
Hebeloma subsaponaceum
Hebeloma subtortum
Hebeloma syrjense
Hebeloma testaceum
Hebeloma vaccinum
Hebeloma velatum
Hebeloma versipelle
Hebeloma vinosophyllum
Hebeloma westraliense
unclassified Hebeloma
65 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Hebeloma porphyrosporum
(this page)
Hebeloma aberrans
Hebeloma adherens
Hebeloma aeruginosum
Hebeloma agglutinatum
Hebeloma aggregatum
Hebeloma alabamense
Hebeloma alachuanum
Hebeloma albidocortinatum
Hebeloma albidulum
Hebeloma albipes
Hebeloma albocolossum
Hebeloma albocrenulatum
Hebeloma alboerumpens
Hebeloma albomarginatum
Hebeloma alpinicola
Hebeloma alvarense
Hebeloma amarellum
Hebeloma angelesiense
Hebeloma angustilamellatum
Hebeloma angustisporium
Hebeloma arenicolor
Hebeloma argentinum
Hebeloma asperulatum
Hebeloma atrifulvifolium
Hebeloma atrosanguineum
Hebeloma aurantiellum
Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum
Hebeloma australe
Hebeloma austroamericanum
Hebeloma avellaneum
Hebeloma bakeri
Hebeloma barrowsii
Hebeloma bellotianum
Hebeloma bicoloratum
Hebeloma boulderense
Hebeloma brunneodiscum
Hebeloma brunneomaculatum
Hebeloma bryogenes
Hebeloma bryophilum
Hebeloma bulbaceum
Hebeloma busporus
Hebeloma caespitosum
Hebeloma californicum
Hebeloma calvinii
Hebeloma capniocephalus
Hebeloma catalaunicum
Hebeloma catervarium
Hebeloma caulocystidiosum
Hebeloma chapmaniae
Hebeloma chlorophyllum
Hebeloma cinchonense
Hebeloma cinereostipes
Hebeloma cinereum
Hebeloma clavuligerum
Hebeloma coarctatum
Hebeloma collariatum
Hebeloma colvinii
Hebeloma commune
Hebeloma coniferarum
Hebeloma coprophilum
Hebeloma corrugatum
Hebeloma cortinarioides
Hebeloma crassipes
Hebeloma cremeum
Hebeloma cubense
Hebeloma dasypus
Hebeloma deflectens
Hebeloma diffractum
Hebeloma discomorbidum
Hebeloma dissiliens
Hebeloma dryophilum
Hebeloma earlei
Hebeloma elatellum
Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium
Hebeloma erebium
Hebeloma frenchii
Hebeloma gigasporum
Hebeloma glutinosum
Hebeloma griseum
Hebeloma kammala
Hebeloma kirtonii
Hebeloma lamelliconfertum
Hebeloma longicaudum
Hebeloma lundqvistii
Hebeloma minus
Hebeloma montanum
Hebeloma monticola
Hebeloma nudipes
Hebeloma olidum
Hebeloma petiginosum
Hebeloma polare
Hebeloma quercetorum
Hebeloma sacchariolens
Hebeloma serratum
Hebeloma subcollariatum
Hebeloma subconcolor
Hebeloma testaceum
Hebeloma versipelle
Hebeloma victoriae
Hebeloma westraliense
339 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.