
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Ustilago esculenta P. Henn. Hedwigia
Sori embedded in the hypertrophied tissues of the culms, occurring as small somewhat round or elongate sac-like cavities surrounded by a thin hyaline layer, olive-brown; spores reddish-brown, spheric to subspheric, thick-walled, smooth, chiefly 6-8 m in diameter.
On Poaceae:
Zizania lalifotia. District of Columbia (in greenhouse). Type locality: French Indo-China, on Zizania latifolia.
Distribution: District of Columbia (greenhouse); French Indo-China, Formosa, and Japan. 15. Ustilago Zeae.
Add, under PoacEaE:
Euchlaena mexicana (£. luxurians). nistrici of Columbia. Indiana, New York; Dominican Republic; Durango.
Zea Mays. Arizona, Arkansas. Colorado. Delaware, Florida. Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota. Oregon, Tennessee. Virginia, Washington, Wyoming; Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Quebec. Saskatchewan; Bermuda, Guadeloupe, St. Croix.
.Add the illustration: Beitr. Krypt. Schweiz 3':/. 15.
Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2700; Brencklc, Fungi Dak. 156. Add the note: This smut has now been reported from all of the states, as well as from Canada, the West Indies, and Mexico.
15. Ustilago Kellermanii.
Add, under Poaceae:
Euchlaena mexicana (E. luxurians), Guatemala.
Add the note: This is the second time, 1923, that this unusual smut has been reported from Guatemala on this same host ; there was a question about the identity of Kellerman's collection in 1 906, but this later collection removes that doubt. The collection of Ciferri from Santo Domingo, named as this species, we refer to Ustilago Zeae.
16. Ustilago neglecta.
Add, under Poaceae:
Chaelochloa lutescens (C. glauca. .Selaria glauca. S. lutescens), Colorado, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania; Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec.
Add the illustration: Beitr. Krypt. Schweiz 3':f. 14.
Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3100, 3599, 3999, 4200; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 275.
16. Ustilago Uniolae.
Add, under Poaceae:
Uniola laxa (U. gracilis), Alabama, North Carolina. Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2699.
16. Ustilago omata.
Add, under IVmcEaE:
*^Leplochloa uninervia (fK. imhricala), Mississippi.
1 7. Ustilago Vilfae.
Add, under PoacEae:
Sporobolus neglectus, Indiana, South Dakota. Sporobolus vaginifiorus, Indiana.
17. Ustilago Rabenhorstiana.
Add, under Poaceae-::
.Synlherisma fiti/orme (Fanicum filt/orme), Misfuturi.
Synlherisma sanguinaU (Panicum sangninale) , Arkansas, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia; Ontario. Synlherisma sp. (Panicum sp.), Oklahoma.
Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2297, 4099; Sydow, Ust. 455.
bibliographic citation
George Lorenzo Ingram Zundel, John Hendley Barnhart. 1939. (USTILAGINALES); ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, HOST-INDEX. North American flora. vol 7(14). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora