Mushroom Observer Image 291033: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 725229: Naematelia aurantia (Schwein.) Burt
Fussingø Vandmølle V.f. Randers, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 382172: Tremella fuciformis Berk.
Mushroom Observer Image 291034: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 841928: Naematelia aurantia (Schwein.) Burt
Suserup Skov, Denmark
Mushroom Observer Image 384296: Tremella fuciformis Berk.
Mushroom Observer Image 291035: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 997549: Naematelia aurantia (Schwein.) Burt & Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers.
Mushroom Observer Image 525436: Tremella fuciformis Berk.
Mushroom Observer Image 322014: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 711623: Tremella fuciformis Berk.
Mushroom Observer Image 38687: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 589543: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 610738: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 732201: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 828592: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 85630: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Mushroom Observer Image 867111: Tremella mesenterica Retz.
Slo.: listasta drhtavka - Habitat: In a group of Betula pendula trees as a pioneer species on an abandoned pasture; shallow, moderately acid soil on cretaceous clastic rock (flysh), south oriented, warm place, exposed to direct rain, partly in shade, precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, altitude 585 m (1.900 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Fallen and partly rotten trunk of Betula pendula, still in bark. - Comments: Growing solitary, `pileus` width about 30 cm (one foot); flesh very hard and brittle when completely dry. SP very faint, possibly white-yellowish (?). Spore dimensions: 9.6 (SD = 0.6) x 7.2 (SD = 0.4) micr., Q = 1.33 (SD = 0.07), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) D.Arora, Mushrooms Demystified, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley (1986), p 673. (2) http://www.mushroomexpert.com/tremella_foliacea.html . (3) http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/species/Tremella_foliacea.html . (4) http://www.grzyby.pl/gatunki/Tremella_foliacea.htm .
Ana M. Millanes, Paul Diederich, Martin Westberg, Tommy Knutsson, Mats Wedin
Figure 1.Photographs of new species or records for the Nordic countries, Norway, and Sweden. Macroscopic habit of Tremella rhizocarpicola on Rhizocarpon lavatum (holotype, BG: L-68612) (A), Tremella pertusariae on Pertusaria hymenea (S: F-131626) (B), Tremella protoparmeliae, asymptomatic on Protoparmelia badia (S: F-255342) (C), Tremella caloplacae on Caloplaca decipiens (S: F-253110) (D), Tremella caloplacae on Xanthoria parietina (S: F-253109) (E), and Tremella rinodinae on Rinodina gennarii (S: F-255341) (F). Basidium morphology in Tremella rhizocarpicola (G), Tremella pertusariae (H), Tremella protoparmeliae (I), Tremella caloplacae (S: F-255314) (J), and Tremella rinodinae (KâL). Scale bars: 1 mm (AâF) and 10 mm (GâL).