Hipposideros hypophyllus és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels hiposidèrids. És endèmic de Karnataka (Índia), on viu a altituds de fins a 570 msnm. El seu hàbitat natural són les coves situades a matollars tropicals secs. Està amenaçat per la mineria il·legal de granit i les activitats que la sostenen.[1] El seu nom específic, hypophyllus, significa 'sota la fulla' en llatí.
Hipposideros hypophyllus és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels hiposidèrids. És endèmic de Karnataka (Índia), on viu a altituds de fins a 570 msnm. El seu hàbitat natural són les coves situades a matollars tropicals secs. Està amenaçat per la mineria il·legal de granit i les activitats que la sostenen. El seu nom específic, hypophyllus, significa 'sota la fulla' en llatí.
The Kolar leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros hypophyllus), or leafletted leaf-nosed bat is a species of bat in the family Hipposideridae. It is endemic to India. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and caves. It is found in only one cave in India, and its population is less than 200 individuals.
This species was described in 1994.[2] The Hipposideros bats of South Asia are divided into closely related species groups. The Kolar leaf-nosed bat is placed in the "bicolor" species group, which also includes:
The "bicolor" species group is characterized by the absence of secondary leaflets on their nose-leaves and a forearm length of 33–44 mm (1.3–1.7 in).[3] It is most closely related to Cantor's roundleaf bat and the fawn leaf-nosed bat; these three species form a clade in the genus Hipposideros.[4]
Its forearm is 38–49 mm (1.5–1.9 in) long.[3] The fur on its back is variable in color, with some individuals' hairs tipped with grayish-brown, while others' hairs are tipped with rufous brown. Fur on the ventral surface is tipped in white or fulvous-white. Its nose-leaf has two supplementary leaflets that project from underneath the sides of the front nose-leaf.[5] Its ears are 16.7–17.7 mm (0.66–0.70 in) long; its tail is 23.3–24.3 mm (0.92–0.96 in) long; its hind feet are 6.7–6.9 mm (0.26–0.27 in); its nose-leaf is 5.5–5.8 mm (0.22–0.23 in) wide.[4]
It echolocates at 103–105.3kHz.[3] During the day, it roosts in caves. It has been documented sharing a roost site with several other species of bat, including Khajuria's leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros durgadasi), fulvus roundleaf bat (Hipposideros fulvus), and Schneider's leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros speoris). It accumulates fat in the winter months, suggesting that it may use torpor in colder months.[1] Pregnant and lactating females have been observed late in the summer.[4]
It is known from only one cave in Hanumanahalli village in the Kolar district of the state of Karnataka in India.[1] Its cave is described as an inaccessibly narrow opening in granite rocks.[5] Previously, it was known from a nearby cave in Therahalli village, but it is absent from that cave as of 2014. It has not been encountered at elevations above 570 m (1,870 ft). The habitat surrounding its single remaining cave consists of tropical dry shrubland.[1]
It is currently evaluated as critically endangered by the IUCN. The Kolar leaf-nosed bat is found in only one cave, and its population is less than 200 individuals. Its single cave is not on protected land, and the species itself is not protected by Indian law. Its habitat is under threat due to illegal granite mining. Granite miners have driven them out of at least two caves by setting fires; the fires make granite extraction easier. As reported in 2014, there was a temporary mining ban on the cave where this species is still found. Its critically endangered listing occurred in 2016; from 2004–2016, it was listed as endangered. From 2000–2004 it was listed as vulnerable, and from 1996–2000, it was listed as lower risk/near threatened.[1] There are petitions to have the bat protected under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, as all bats in India are considered vermin with the exception of two species. However, as of 2017, these petitions have not been successful.[6]
The Kolar leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros hypophyllus), or leafletted leaf-nosed bat is a species of bat in the family Hipposideridae. It is endemic to India. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and caves. It is found in only one cave in India, and its population is less than 200 individuals.
Hipposideros hypophyllus Hipposideros generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Hipposideridae familian sailkatuta dago. Indian bakarrik bizi dira.
Hipposideros hypophyllus Hipposideros generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Hipposideridae familian sailkatuta dago. Indian bakarrik bizi dira.
Hipposideros hypophyllus (Kock & Bhat, 1994) è un pipistrello della famiglia degli Ipposideridi endemico dell'India.[1][2]
Pipistrello di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza della testa e del corpo tra 42 e 47,3 mm, la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 37,1 e 40 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 21,5 e 23,5 mm, la lunghezza del piede tra 6,2 e 6,9 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 18 e 20,3 mm.[3]
Le parti dorsali sono grigio scure o grigio-brunastre, mentre le parti ventrali sono grigio chiare. La base dei peli è ovunque bianca. Le orecchie sono grandi e arrotondate. La foglia nasale presenta una porzione anteriore con una foglietta supplementare ben sviluppata su ogni lato, un setto nasale non rigonfio, una porzione intermedia semplice e stretta, leggermente ricoperta di peli e con due vibrisse, una porzione posteriore larga, con tre setti verticali che la dividono in quattro celle. La coda è lunga e si estende leggermente oltre l'ampio uropatagio.
Si rifugia nelle grotte granitiche sotterranee insieme ad altri membri del genere Hipposideros come H.ater, H.fulvus e H.speoris
Si nutre di insetti.
Questa specie è conosciuta soltanto in una grotta presso la località di Hanumanahalli, nel distretto di Kolar, nello stato dell'India meridionale del Karnataka. Precedentemente è stata riportata anche in un'altra grotta presso Therahalli, sempre nel distretto di Kolar, ma nel 2014 è stata confermata la sua scomparsa.
La IUCN Red List, considerato l'areale limitato ad una sola grotta, il continuo declino nella qualità del proprio habitat a causa dell'estrazione illegale di granito e la popolazione stimata a 150-200 individui, classifica H.hypophyllus come specie in grave pericolo (CR).[1]
Hipposideros hypophyllus (Kock & Bhat, 1994) è un pipistrello della famiglia degli Ipposideridi endemico dell'India.
Hipposideros hypophyllus is een vleermuis uit het geslacht Hipposideros die alleen voorkomt in het district Kolar van de Indiase staat Karnataka. Deze soort behoort tot de H. bicolor-groep. Voor de soort in 1994 werd beschreven werd de soort verward met Hipposideros pomona. De naam hypophyllus is afgeleid van de Oudgriekse woorden ὑπό (hupo) "onder" en φύλλον (phullon) "blad" en verwijst naar een kenmerk van het neusblad.
H. hypophyllus is een kleine soort. De bovenkant van het lichaam is grijsbruin tot roodbruin en de onderkant wit bij volwassen dieren. Bij jongen is de bovenkant donkergrijs tot bruingrijs en de onderkant lichtgrijs. Volwassen dieren zijn in de winter lichter van kleur dan in de zomer. De kop-romplengte bedraagt 42 tot 47,3 mm, de staartlengte 21,5 tot 23,5 mm, de voorarmlengte 37,1 tot 39,85 mm, de breedte van het neusblad 4,7 tot 5,55 mm, de achtervoetlengte (s.u.) 6,2 tot 6,9 mm, de oorlengte 18 tot 20,3 mm en het gewicht 3,6 tot 6,2 g.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesHipposideros hypophyllus — є одним з видів кажанів родини Hipposideridae.
Країни поширення: Індія (Карнатака). Мало що відомо про середовище проживання і екологію цього виду за винятком того, що лаштує сідала в гранітних печерах і розділяє їх з іншими видами Hipposideros.
Цей вид знаходиться під загрозою гірничих робіт. Цей вид не був записаний в охоронних територіях.
Hipposideros hypophyllus — є одним з видів кажанів родини Hipposideridae.
Hipposideros hypophyllus là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi nếp mũi, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Kock & Bhat miêu tả năm 1994.[1]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Hipposideros hypophyllus tại Wikimedia Commons
Hipposideros hypophyllus là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi nếp mũi, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Kock & Bhat miêu tả năm 1994.
콜라르잎코박쥐(Hipposideros hypophyllus)는 잎코박쥐과에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다. 인도의 토착종이다.[1] 자연 서식지는 아열대 또는 열대 기후 지역의 건조림과 동굴이다. 인도에서는 동굴에서만 발견되며 개체수는 200마리 이하이다.[2]
작은 박쥐로 머리부터 몸까지 길이는 42~47.3mm이고 어깨 길이는 37.1~40mm이다. 꼬리 길이는 21.5~23.5mm, 발 길이는 6.2~6.9mm이다. 귀 길이는 18~20.3mm이고, 전완장은 38~49mm이다.[3][2]
인도 카르나타카 주 콜라르 구, 하누마나할리 마을의 동굴에서만 발견된다. 이전에는 테라할리 마을 근처 동굴에서도 알려져 있었지만, 2014년 이후 발견되지 않고 있다. 570m 이상의 고지에서는 발견되지 않는다. 단 하나 남은 동굴 서식지 둘레는 열대 건조 관목지대로 이루어져 있다.[1]