La Virgen, Heredia, Costa Rica
probably: Megalodacne fasciata ? FABRICIUS, 1777 [1]Genus: Megalodacne (antennae with the 3rd joint distinctly longer than the 4th) [2]Tribe: Encaustini CROTCH, 1876 (= Megalodacninae sensu GUPTA, 1969 n. syn) [1]Subfamily: ErotylinaeFamily: Erotylidae (Pleasing fungus beetles, Pilzkfer)Superfamily: CucujoideaSuborder: PolyphagaOrder: Coleoptera (beetles, Kfer)Subclass: PterygotaClass: Insecta (insects, Insekten)Indonesia, W-Java, 10 km S Tangerang: vic. Serpong (Kampung), 50m asl., 04.06.2011IMG_2173
probably: Megalodacne fasciata FABRICIUS, 1777 [1]Range of Erotylidae: Tropical America, Oceania, Australia, Asia and AfricaGenus: Megalodacne (antennae with the 3rd joint distinctly longer than the 4th) [2]Tribe Encaustini CROTCH, 1876 (= Megalodacninae sensu GUPTA, 1969 n. syn) [1]Subfamily: ErotylinaeFamily: Erotylidae (Pleasing fungus beetles, Pilzkfer)Superfamily: CucujoideaInfraorder: CucujiformiaSuborder: PolyphagaOrder: Coleoptera (beetles, Kfer)Indonesia. W-Java, 10 km S Tangerang: vic. Serpong (Kampung), 50m asl., 26.10.2010(IMG_6227)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] WGRZYNOWICZ, P. (2002): Morphology, phylogeny and classification of the family Erotylidae based on adult characters (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea), Genus Vol. 13 (4): 435-504 [2] Arrow, G. (1925): Fauna of British India Coleoptera including Ceylon & Burma. Clavicornia.Erotylidae,Languriidae&Endomychidae.
, North Carolina, United States
New Paltz, New York, United States
Paran, Brasil
Costa Rica