Paradisea liliastrumSlo.: paradievkaDate: June 09. 2009Lat.: 46.27xxx Long.: 13.63xxxCode: Bot_351/2009-9487+9597+9627Habitat: Mountain grassland, southwest oriented, precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 1.000 m (3.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Place: Southwest slopes of Mt. Krn, 2244 m (7.363 feet) ridge, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia ECComment: At home in Pyrenees, present in north Apennines and on some spots in Southwest Alps, very rare in East Alps. Only a single location known in Slovenia not discovered until 2000. Coordinates not precise.
Paradisea liliastrumSlo.: paradievkaDate: June 09. 2009Lat.: 46.27xxx Long.: 13.63xxxCode: Bot_351/2009-9487+9597+9627Habitat: Mountain grassland, southwest oriented, precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 1.000 m (3.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Place: Southwest slopes of Mt. Krn, 2244 m (7.363 feet) ridge, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia ECComment: At home in Pyrenees, present in north Apennines and on some spots in Southwest Alps, very rare in East Alps. Only a single location known in Slovenia not discovered until 2000. Coordinates not precise.
Paradisea liliastrumSlo.: paradievkaDate: June 09. 2009Lat.: 46.27xxx Long.: 13.63xxxCode: Bot_351/2009-9487+9597+9627Habitat: Mountain grassland, southwest oriented, precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 1.000 m (3.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Place: Southwest slopes of Mt. Krn, 2244 m (7.363 feet) ridge, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia ECComment: At home in Pyrenees, present in north Apennines and on some spots in Southwest Alps, very rare in East Alps. Only a single location known in Slovenia not discovered until 2000. Coordinates not precise.
Paradisea liliastrumSlo.: paradievkaDate: June 09. 2009Lat.: 46.27xxx Long.: 13.63xxxCode: Bot_351/2009-9487+9597+9627Habitat: Mountain grassland, southwest oriented, precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevation 1.000 m (3.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Place: Southwest slopes of Mt. Krn, 2244 m (7.363 feet) ridge, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia ECComment: At home in Pyrenees, present in north Apennines and on some spots in Southwest Alps, very rare in East Alps. Only a single location known in Slovenia not discovered until 2000. Coordinates not precise.