Species: Dioscorea sansibarensis Pax Date: 2011-01-13 Location: At main office, Mana Pools National Park. Habitat: Large bush clump in floodplain alluvial
Species: Dioscorea sansibarensis Pax Date: 2011-01-13 Location: At main office, Mana Pools National Park. Habitat: Large bush clump in floodplain alluvial
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Castleburn Forest, Vumba Habitat: Forest edge
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Castleburn Forest, Vumba Habitat: Forest edge
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 2010-12-27 Location: Path to Hadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park Habitat: Small pocket of Gully forest
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 2010-12-27 Location: Path to Hadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park Habitat: Small pocket of Gully forest
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 2010-12-27 Location: Path to Hadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park Habitat: Small pocket of Gully forest
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 2010-12-27 Location: Path to Hadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park Habitat: Small pocket of Gully forest
Species: Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth Date: 2010-12-27 Location: Path to Hadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park Habitat: Small pocket of Gully forest
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2007-04-18 Location: Near summit of Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa Habitat: Among rocks in bracken and ericoid scrub
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2014-01-15 Location: Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale Habitat: Shrubby margin of granite rock area
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2007-01-06 Location: Maonza, Vumba Habitat: Rocky woodland
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2007-01-06 Location: Maonza, Vumba Habitat: Rocky woodland
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2007-01-06 Location: Maonza, Vumba Habitat: Rocky woodland
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2007-04-18 Location: Near summit of Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa Habitat: Among rocks in bracken and ericoid scrub
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2006-01-26 Location: At the base of the hills, Valley of Kings, Mutare Habitat: Among rock in woodland
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2006-01-26 Location: At the base of the hills, Valley of Kings, Mutare Habitat: Among rock in woodland
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2006-01-26 Location: At the base of the hills, Valley of Kings, Mutare Habitat: Among rock in woodland
Species: Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. Date: 2006-01-26 Location: At the base of the hills, Valley of Kings, Mutare Habitat: Among rock in woodland