Gymnothorax flavimarginatus (Ruppell). Type of thalassopterus Jenkins.
Synaphobranchus pinnatus (Gronow). Le Have Bank.
Synaphobranchus jenkinsi Jordan & Snyder.
[Identified by: 張詠絮]
[Identified by: 張詠絮]
Echidna trassula Jordan & Starks, new species. Type.
Simenchelys parasticas, d'apres Collett (Hirondelle).
Conger Eel.
Lycodontis albimentis.
Muraena clepsydra Gilbert. Type specimen; Panama.
Saccopharynx ampullacens (Challenger).
Callechelys luteus. Type.
[Identified by: 張詠絮]
[Identified by: 張詠絮]
Echidna leihala Jenkins, new species. Type.
Pisodonophis daspilotus Gilbert. Type specimen; Panama.
Conger Eel : Outline of embryo showing position in membrane and shape of the yolk. August 1.
Moringua hawaiiensis. Type.
Conger wilsoni.
Saccopharynx ampullaceus; a deep-sea eel, with the head of a larbe fish, which it has swallowed, showing through the thin integuments of the body. (From Gunther)