Description: A unidentified fish at
Shedd Aquarium. If you know the species please contact me
Here. Thank you! This is a Bowfin, Amia calva Linnaeus, 1766, an amiid freshwater-fish from North-America --
Lohachata (
talk) 21:06, 16 December 2008 (UTC). Source: Own work. Author:
Cody Hough. Permission(
Reusing this file):
This illustration was made by
Cody Hough Please credit this if used outside Wikipedia: English:
Cody Hough, college student and photographer in the Michgian area. Español:
Cody Hough, el estudiante y el fotógrafo colegiales el área de Michigan. Italiano:
Cody Hough, Lo studente di universita ed il fotografo nell'area di Michigan. Deutsch:
Cody Hough, ein Student und Fotograf aus Raum Michigan. Français :
Cody Hough, L'etudiant et le photographe de collège dans le secteur du Michigan. 日本語:
Cody Hough (コディー ハッフ) は大学生とフォトグラファにミシガン州からの事項です。 If you plan on using this illustration,
an email would be greatly appreciated..