Mols Bjerge, Denmark
Hevring Hede
Katbjerg Odde
Yu-Lingzi Zhou, Hong-Zhang Zhou
Figure 12.Metolinus binarius sp. n. A male tergite VIII B male sternite VIII C tergite of male genital segment D sternite of male genital segment E aedeagus, dorsal view F aedeagus, lateral view G aedeagus, ventral view H female genital segment, ventral view. Scale bars 0.15 mm.
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
Map 3.Records of the raffrayi-group: Oropodes aalbui, Oropodes bellorum, Oropodes casson, Oropodes chumash, Oropodes esselen, Oropodes hardyi, Oropodes nuclere, Oropodes rumseyensis, Oropodes tongva.
Zi-Wei Yin, Shûhei Nomura, Li-Zhen Li
Figure 4.Habitus of Sinotrisus. A Sinotrisus sinensis B Sinotrisus vietnamensis. Scales (mm): 1.0
Figure 1.Male habitus of Labomimus spp. A Labomimus cognatus B Labomimus dabashanus C Labomimus mirus D Labomimus paratorus. Scales: 1.0 mm.
Figures 5–8.Habitus of Dianous. 5, 6 Dianous yinziweii 7, 8 Dianous ningxiaensis. Scales = 1 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figures 13–17.Habitats of the new species. 13 Erlang Shan, alt. 2,200–2,300 m (Lathrobium erlangense sp. n.) 14 Labahe Natural Reserve, alt. 2,200–2,300 m (Lathrobium blandum sp. n.) 15 Yele, alt. 2,600 m (Lathrobium illustre sp. n., Lathrobium yinziweii sp. n. and Lathrobium yelense sp. n.) 16 Micang Shan, alt. 1,800 m (Lathrobium micangense sp. n.) 17 Qingcheng Shan, alt. 1,700 m (Lathrobium agglutinatum sp. n.).
Figure 1.Habitus of Derops spp., A Derops hainanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. B Derops yunnanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. C Derops punctipennis Schülke D Derops schillhammeri Schülke E Derops smetanai Schülke; F Derops dingshanus Watanabe. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Rostislav Bekchiev, Peter Hlaváč, Shûhei Nomura
Figures 1–5.Habitus of Lasinus species. 1 Lasinus mandarinus 2 Lasinus spinosus 3 Lasinus monticola 4 Lasinus sinicus 5 Lasinus mikado. Scale – 3.0 mm.
Figure 2.Male diagnostic features ofTangius indicus (A–F, H–K, M–N) and Tangius glabellus (G, L). A antenna B fore leg C mid leg D hind leg E protrochanter F, G apical portion of mesotibia H metatrochanter I left elytron J meso- and metaventrites K sternite IX L, M aedeagus, in dorsal view N same, in ventral view. Scales (mm): A, B, C, D, I = 0.5; J, L, M, N = 0.2; E, F, G, H, K = 0.1.
Ting Feng, Michael Schülke, Li-Zhen Li
Figure 21.Distribution of the silphaeformis species group in China. A Tachinus armatus B Tachinus cavazzutii C Tachinus coronatus D Tachinus hercules E Tachinus hujiayaoi F Tachinus jiuzhaigouensis G Tachinus linzhiensis H Tachinus lohsei I Tachinus maderi J Tachinus maderianus.
Figure 1.Habitus of the holotype of Darwinilus sedarisi Chatzimanolis, sp. n. Total length = 21.5 mm Image Copyright Natural History Museum (London).
Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Wen-Jia He
Figures 1–4.Habitus of Scaphidium. 1, 2 Scaphidium jinmingi 3, 4 Scaphidium jizuense (Holotype). Scales = 1 mm.
Jan Klimaszewski, Reginald P. Webster, David W. Langor, Caroline Bourdon, H.E. James Hammond, Greg R. Pohl, Benoit Godin
Figure 9.Ocyusa asperula Casey: 9a habitus 9b median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 9c male tergite VIII 9d male sternite VIII 9e spermatheca in lateral view 9f female tergite VIII 9g female sternite VIII 9h left mandible 9i right mandible 9j labrum 9k maxilla 9l menthum, labial palpi and ligula. Habitus scale bar = 1.0 mm; other scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Adam J. Brunke, Alexey Solodovnikov
Figure 18.Aedeagus, parameral view (A, F, I, J), apex with internal sclerites (B, C). Aedeagus, lateral view (D, G, K, L). Underside of parameral lobe, with peg setae (E, H, M, N). Bolitogyrus viridescens Brunke (A–E); Bolitogyrus apicofasciatus Brunke (F–H); Bolitogyrus bullatus (I–N). Scale bar = 0.5 mm (A–D, F, G, I–L), 0.1 mm (E, H, M, N).
Meilgård Skov
Midtsjælland, Denmark
Hevring Hede
Katbjerg Odde
Yu-Lingzi Zhou, Hong-Zhang Zhou
Figure 12-1.Metolinus binariussp. n. A habitus of forebody B antennae C female genital segments, ventral view D aedeagus, dorsal view E inner sac. Scale bars 0.3 mm.
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
Figure 11.Oropodes bellorum A Dorsal and right lateral view of male genitalia B Posterior view of right male profemur and protibia, mesotibia, and metatibia C Ventral view of male third ventrite D Ventral view of male sixth ventrite. Scale line equals 0.1 mm.