Figure 4.Habitat and ant host of Pengzhongiella daicongchaoi. A general habitat B nest of the host ant in a rotten tree C head of Odontomachus monticola, in frontal view D lateral habitus of Odontomachus monticola. Scales (mm): C = 3 mm; D = 5 mm.
Rostislav Bekchiev, Peter Hlaváč, Shûhei Nomura
Figures 1–5.Habitus of Lasinus species. 1 Lasinus mandarinus 2 Lasinus spinosus 3 Lasinus monticola 4 Lasinus sinicus 5 Lasinus mikado. Scale – 3.0 mm.
Ting Feng, Michael Schülke, Li-Zhen Li
Figure 20.Ventral view of female sternite VIII. A Tachinus armatus B Tachinus cavazzutii C Tachinus coronatus D Tachinus hercules E Tachinus hujiayaoi F Tachinus jiuzhaigouensis G Tachinus linzhiensis H Tachinus lohsei I Tachinus maderi J Tachinus maderianus K Tachinus mengdaensis L Tachinus oblongoelytratus M Tachinus parahercules N Tachinus paralinzhiensis O Tachinus yini. Scales: 0.2 mm.
Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Wen-Jia He
Figures 66–73.Characters of Scaphidium. 66–69 Scaphidium fukiense 70–73 Scaphidium grande 66, 67, 70, 71 aedeagus 68, 72 antenna 69, 73 male foreleg. Scales = 0.25 mm (66, 67, 70, 71); scales = 1 mm (68, 69, 72, 73).
Jan Klimaszewski, Reginald P. Webster, David W. Langor, Caroline Bourdon, H.E. James Hammond, Greg R. Pohl, Benoit Godin
Figure 2.Gnathusa tenuicornis Fenyes: 2a habitus, based on female from New Brunswick 2b habitus based on male from Alberta 2c median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 2d spermatheca in lateral view 2e male tergite VIII 2f male sternite VIII 2g female tergite VIII 2h female sternite VIII 2i left mandible 2j right mandible 2k labrum 2l maxilla 2m menthum, labial palpi and ligula. Habitus scale bar = 1.0 mm; other scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Adam J. Brunke, Alexey Solodovnikov
Figure 11.Ventral prothorax: Bolitogyrus costaricensis (Wendeler), male (A); Bolitogyrus sallei (Kraatz), male (close-up of procoxae) (B); Bolitogyrus newtoni Brunke, male (C). Mesotibia: Bolitogyrus fulgidus (Sharp) (D); Bolitogyrus marquezi Brunke (E). Metatibia: Bolitogyrus fulgidus (Sharp) (F). Metafemur: Bolitogyrus bullatus (Sharp) (G); Bolitogyrus apicofasciatus Brunke (H). sp. – spine, set. – seta. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Meilgård Skov
Randers Fjord
Åleklinta Öland
Zi-Wei Yin, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figures 6–14.Details of Intestinarius spp., male. 6–8 antenna 9–11 mesotibia 12–14 metatrochanter 6, 9, 12 Intestinarius guangdongensis 7, 10, 13 Intestinarius kuzmini 8, 11, 14 Intestinarius longiceps. Scales: a–c = 0.3 mm, d–f = 0.2 mm, g–i = 0.1 mm.
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
Figure 14.Oropodes esselen A Dorsal and right lateral view of male genitalia B Posterior view of right male profemur and protibia, mesotibia, and metatibia C Ventral view of male third ventrite D Ventral view of male sixth ventrite E Dorsal view of female genitalia F Dorsal view of female fifth ventrite. Scale line equals 0.1 mm.
Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Jun-Wang Wang
Figure 2.Habitus of Stenus zhujianqingi in dorsal and ventral view. Scale = 1 mm.
Figure 7.Diagnostic features of Labomimus sarculus. A antenna B pronotum C median meteventral process, in lateral view D protrochanter and profemur E apical portion of protibia F mesotrochanter and mesofemur G metacoxa, metatrochanter and metafemur H sternite IX I aedeagus, in dorsal view J same, in lateral view K same, in ventral view. Scales (mm): A, B, D, F, G = 0.3; C, I, J, K = 0.2; H = 0.1; E = 0.05.
Figures 17–25. 17–22, 24, 25. Aedeagi of Stenus and Dianous 23 Internal plate of aedeagus of Stenus. 17 Stenus juno 18 Stenus secretus 19 Stenus alienus20 Stenus scabratus 21 Stenus deceptiosus 22, 23 Stenus falsator24 Dianous inaequalis inaequalis 25Dianous chinensis. Scales = 0.25 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 6.Habitus of Lathrobium spp., A Lathrobium obscurum B Lathrobium yinziweii C Lathrobium illustre. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Wen-Rong Li, Cong-Chao Dai, Li-Zhen Li
Figure 1.Lobrathium fuscoguttatum. A habitus B aedeagus in lateral view C aedeagus in ventral view D male sternite VII E male sternite VIII F female tergite VIII G female sternite VIII. Scales: A 1mm, B–G 0.5mm.
Rostislav Bekchiev, Peter Hlaváč, Shûhei Nomura
Figures 8–10.Pronotum of Lasinus monticola (8) Lasinus sinicus (9) and Lasinus yakushimanus (10) dorsal view. Scale – 0.6 mm.
Ting Feng, Michael Schülke, Li-Zhen Li
Figure 21.Distribution of the silphaeformis species group in China. A Tachinus armatus B Tachinus cavazzutii C Tachinus coronatus D Tachinus hercules E Tachinus hujiayaoi F Tachinus jiuzhaigouensis G Tachinus linzhiensis H Tachinus lohsei I Tachinus maderi J Tachinus maderianus.
Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Wen-Jia He
Figures 142–155.142 Habitat and host fungi of Scaphidium comes (Photo by Mr. Zhong Peng from Hunnan, Xiangtan City, Zhaoshan County at 30.I.2011) 143,144 Host fungi and Scaphidium comes (Photo by Mr. Jian-Qing Zhu from Guangxi, Shangsi County, Shiwandashan at 23.IV.2011) 145, 146 Host fungi and Scaphidium grande (Photo by Mr. Jia-Yao Hu from Guangxi, Dayaoshan at 22.VII.2011) 147 Habitat and host fungi of Scaphidium grande (Photo by Mr. Jian-Qing Zhu from Guangxi, Shangsi County, Shiwandashan at 23.IV.2011) 148 Host fungi and Scaphidium grande (Photo by Mr. Liang Tang from Guangxi, Xing’an County, Mao’ershan at 7.VII.2011) 149, 150 Larvae of Scaphidium grande (Photo by Mr. Liang Tang from Guangxi, Xing’an County, Mao’ershan at 8.VII.2011) 151 host fungi of Scaphidium crypticum (Photo by Mr. Liang Tang from Guangxi, Shangsi County, Shiwandashan at 4.V.2011); 152 host fungi of Scaphidium crypticum (Photo by Mr. Zi-Wei Yin from Zhejiang, Qingyuan County, Baishanzu at 8.VII.2009) 153 Larva of Scaphidium carinense (Photo by Mr. Liang Tang in lab at 18.VII.2011, larva collected from Guangxi, Xing’an County, Mao’ershan) 154 Larva of Scaphidium sinense (Photo by Mr. Liang Tang from Zhejiang, Lin’an City, West Tianmushan at 10.VIII.2010) 155 Host fungi of Scaphidium delatouchei (Photo by Mr. Liang Tang from Zhejiang, Lin’an City, West Tianmushan at 4.VIII.2010).
Jan Klimaszewski, Reginald P. Webster, David W. Langor, Caroline Bourdon, H.E. James Hammond, Greg R. Pohl, Benoit Godin
Maps 1–2.
Adam J. Brunke, Alexey Solodovnikov
Figure 6.Head, dorsal view: Bolitogyrus silex Brunke (A); Bolitogyrus costaricensis (Wendeler) (B); Bolitogyrus bullatus (Sharp) (C); Bolitogyrus apicofasciatus Brunke (D); Bolitogyrus ashei Brunke (E); Bolitogyrus strigifrons (Wendeler) (F); Bolitogyrus viridescens Brunke (G). a – central protuberance, b – posterior protuberance, c – posterior ocular puncture, d – oculomarginal punctures, e – anterior ocular puncture, f – medial frontoclypeal puncture. Scale bars = 1 mm (A–F), 0.5 mm (G).
Meilgård Skov
Hevring Hede
Melby Overdrev, Denmark