IZ_1482979_LabImage_02.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171203T192012Z_SMPSTL_D2_DIVE04_SPEC02BIO_L02.JPG
IZ 1469651 - in situ 08
IZ_1482979_FrameGrab_05.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171203T191936Z_D2_DIVE04_SPEC02BIO_02.jpg
IZ_1482979_LabImage_03.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171203T192012Z_SMPSTL_D2_DIVE04_SPEC02BIO_L03.JPG
IZ 1469651 - in situ 10
IZ_1482979_MicroscopeImage_01.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171203T192012Z_MICRO_D2_DIVE04_SPEC02BIO_M01.JPG
IZ_1482979_LabImage_05.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171203T192012Z_SMPSTL_D2_DIVE04_SPEC02BIO_L05.JPG
USNM 1499066 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2377
USNM 1499067 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2378
USNM 1499064 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2375
USNM 1499062 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2373
USNM 1499063 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2374
USNM 1499768 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT3079
USNM 1499065 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2376
USNM 1617734, FPlrv_691 - Unedited Specimen Image 4. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617734, FPlrv_691 - Unedited Specimen Image 3. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617594, FPlrv_551 - Unedited Specimen Image 1. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617594, FPlrv_551 - Unedited Specimen Image 4. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617594, FPlrv_551 - Unedited Specimen Image 2. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617734, FPlrv_691 - Unedited Specimen Image 1. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617734, FPlrv_691 - Unedited Specimen Image 2. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617734, FPlrv_691 - Unedited Specimen Image 11. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617594, FPlrv_551 - Unedited Specimen Image 5. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617594, FPlrv_551 - Unedited Specimen Image 6. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.