Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Figures 9–10.Left lateral views of Paraberismyia mathisi Woodley. 9 Male (paratype) 10 Female (paratype).
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Figures 11–15.Male terminalia of Paraberismyia mathisi Woodley. 11 Genital capsule, dorsal view 12 Gonostylus, lateral view 13 Phallic complex, dorsal view 14 Phallic complex, left lateral view 15 Epandrium and postgenital segments. Abbreviations: c, circus; ep, epandrium; ga, gonocoxal apodeme; gc, gonocoxite; gs, gonostylus; pps, posteromedial process of synsternite.
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Figures 3–6.Frontal view of female heads of Paraberismyia species. 3 Paraberismyia chiapas Woodley (holotype)4 Paraberismyia mathisi Woodley (paratype)5 Paraberismyia triunfo Woodley (paratype) 6 Paraberismyia tzontehuitza Woodley (paratype).
Store Blåkilde
Figures 16–17.Dorsal views of Paraberismyia triunfo Woodley. 16 Male (paratype) 17 Female (paratype).
Figures 18–19.Left lateral views of Paraberismyia triunfo Woodley. 18 Male (paratype) 19 Female (paratype).
Figures 20–24.Male terminalia of Paraberismyia triunfo Woodley. 20 Genital capsule, dorsal view 21 Gonostylus, lateral view 22 Phallic complex, dorsal view 23 Phallic complex, left lateral view 24 Epandrium and postgenital segments.
Figures 3–6.Frontal view of female heads of Paraberismyia species. 3 Paraberismyia chiapas Woodley (holotype)4 Paraberismyia mathisi Woodley (paratype)5 Paraberismyia triunfo Woodley (paratype) 6 Paraberismyia tzontehuitza Woodley (paratype).
Cyphomyia androgyna Osten Sacken 1886, Costa Rica: 29 km W Tortuguero
Hermetia pulchra Wiedemann 1850, Costa Rica: La Selva Biological Station