Figure 4.Actenomeros budawang sp. n. Female habitus, oblique view. Body length = 10.0 mm.
Shaun L. Winterton, Martin Hauser, Haitham B.M. Badrawy
Figure 4.Salwaea burgensis gen. et sp. n. A female head, lateral view B wing C female terminalia, lateral view. Abbreviations: A1 acanthophorite spines c cercus h hypoproct t7–10 tergites 7–10 s7–10 sternites 7–10. Scale line = 0.2 mm.
Shaun L. Winterton, David J. Ferguson
Figure 4.Vomerina comapenis sp. n., male terminalia, ventral view. Scale line = 0.2 mm.
Figures 19–22.Dialineura elongata sp. n. Female. 19 terminalia, dorsal view 20 terminalia, ventral view 21 internal reproductive organs 22 terminalia, lateral view. Scale: 0.2 mm.
Figure 2.Acupalpa yanchep sp. n., female, Yanchep, Western Australia. Body length= 9.0 mm. (Photo: S.L. Winterton).
Figure 13.Acupalpa miaboolya sp. n., male, anterolateral view [576253]. Body length = 5.0 mm.
Figure 5.Actenomeros spp. Actenomeros budawang sp. n.: male genitalia: A epandrium, dorsal view B gonocoxites, ventral view C gonocoxite, lateral view D aedeagus, lateral view E aedeagus dorsal view. Actenomeros paradoxa (Winterton & Irwin) comb. n.: male genitalia: F gonocoxites, ventral view G gonocoxite, lateral view H Actenomeros budawang sp. n.: male head, lateral view. Actenomeros paradoxa (Winterton & Irwin) comb. n.: female internal genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: ag, accessory gland; c, cercus; d, distiphallus; da, dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath; ea, ejaculatory apodeme; f, furca; ga, gonocoxal apodeme; gs, gonostylus; h, hypandrium; lea, lateral ejaculatory apodeme; s, spermatheca; ss, spermathecal sac; va, ventral apodeme of parameral sheath; vl, ventral lobe. Scale line = 0.2 mm.
Shaun L. Winterton, Martin Hauser, Haitham B.M. Badrawy
Figure 5.Salwaea burgensis gen. et sp. n., Female furca of various Phycinae. Thereva included for comparison. Figures not to scale.
Shaun L. Winterton, David J. Ferguson
Figure 5.Vomerina micora sp. n., female habitus. Body length = 8.0 mm.
Figure 73.Distribution of Dialineura in China.
Figure 22.Acupalpa yanchep sp. n., male, anterolateral view [576260]. Body length = 6.0 mm.
Figure 14.Acupalpa minuta sp. n., male, lateral view [581505]. Body length = 3.0 mm.
Shaun L. Winterton, David J. Ferguson
Figure 6.Vomerina micora sp. n., female habitus, oblique view. Body length = 8.0 mm.
Figure 25.Pipinnipons chauncyvallis sp. n., male, lateral view [576261]. Body length = 7.0 mm.
Figure 15.Acupalpa minutoides sp. n., male, lateral view [581506]. Body length = 3.5 mm.
Shaun L. Winterton, David J. Ferguson
Figure 7.Vomerina micora sp. n., female habitus, lateral view. Body length = 8.0 mm.
Figure 27.Pipinnipons kampmeierae sp. n., male, lateral view [576263]. Body length = 6.0 mm.
Figure 3.Acupalpa spp.: A Acupalpa notomelas sp. n., epandrium dorsal B gonocoxites, ventral C Acupalpa imitans (White), comb. n., gonocoxite, lateral D same, aedeagus, lateral E Acupalpa rostrata Kröber aedeagus, lateral F Acupalpa imitans, gonocoxites, epandrium removed and aedeagus in situ, dorsal G Acupalpa rostrata, female spermathecal sac complex, dorsal H Acupalpa melanophaeos sp. n., female head, lateral I Acupalpa rostrata, male head, anterolateral. Abbreviations: ag accessory gland c cercus d distiphallus da dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath ea ejaculatory apodeme f furca ga gonocoxal apodeme gp (articulated) gonocoxal process gs gonostylus gx gonocoxite h hypandriumgp gonocoxal process (articulated) lea lateral ejaculatory apodeme s spermatheca ss spermathecal sac ssd spermathecal sac duct va ventral apodeme of parameral sheath v velutum patch vl ventral lobe. Scale lines = 0.2 mm.
Figure 29.Pipinnipons sphecoda sp. n., female, anterolateral view [576265]. Body length = 10.0 mm.
Figure 16.Acupalpa notomelas sp. n., male, anterolateral view [576254]. Body length = 6.0 mm.
Figure 8.Acupalpa dolichorhyncha sp. n., male, anterolateral view [576248]. Body length = 8.0 mm.
Figure 17.Acupalpa novayamarna sp. n., male, anterolateral view [576255]. Body length = 7.0 mm.
Brachylinga concava Webb 2006, Costa Rica: Santa Rosa NP