Description: Català: Tàrrega, Lleida, Catalunya. - 1/07/2007English: Near Tàrrega, Lleida, Catalonia. July 1, 2007. Date: 1 October 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Joan Carles Hinojosa Galisteo.
Description: Italiano: Trappole a fossa scavate nella sabbia della larve di vermileone (Vermileo vermileo), riparate sotto un pannello solare (Piazzo, Segonzano, Trentino) English: Pit traps dug by wormlion (Vermileo vermileo) larvae, nestled under a solar collector (Piazzo, Segonzano, Italy). Date: 1 July 2017, 12:39:23. Source: Own work. Author: Syrio.
Description: Italiano: Trappole a fossa scavate nella sabbia della larve di vermileone (Vermileo vermileo), riparate sotto un pannello solare (Piazzo, Segonzano, Trentino) English: Pit traps dug by wormlion (Vermileo vermileo) larvae, nestled under a solar collector (Piazzo, Segonzano, Italy). Date: 1 July 2017, 12:39:06. Source: Own work. Author: Syrio.
Description: English: Wormlion fly larva, Leptynoma sericea, removed from its pit, has halfway buried itself in the sand again. Date: 10 February 2011, 11:07:28. Source: Own work. Author: JonRichfield. Camera location34° 02′ 42″ S, 18° 49′ 07.32″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-34.045000; 18.818700.
Description: English: Wormlion fly larva, Leptynoma sericea, removed from its pit, begins to bury itself in the sand again. Date: 10 February 2011, 11:07:18. Source: Own work. Author: JonRichfield. Camera location34° 02′ 42″ S, 18° 49′ 07.32″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-34.045000; 18.818700.
Description: English: Wormlion fly larva, Leptynoma sericea, removed from its pit, has nearly finished burying itself in the sand again. Date: 10 February 2011, 11:07:59. Source: Own work. Author: JonRichfield. Camera location34° 02′ 42″ S, 18° 49′ 07.32″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-34.045000; 18.818700.
Description: English: Pit traps of Wormlion fly larva, Leptynoma sericea. Note that the outline of the larva in the pit is faintly visible, unlike the larvae of most pit-digging antlions. Date: 9 January 2011, 13:36:12. Source: Own work. Author: JonRichfield. Camera location34° 02′ 42″ S, 18° 49′ 07.32″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-34.045000; 18.818700.