Carlos Eduardo Santibáñez-López
Figure 2.Diplocentrus franckei sp. n., A dextral pedipalp femur, dorsal aspect B dextral pedipalp patella, external aspect.
Maria Dulcinéia Sales dos Santos, Tiago Jordão Porto, Rejâne Maria Lira-da-Silva, Tania Kobler Brazil
Figures 5–11.Tityus kuryi (male). 5 Carapace 6 Pectines 7–8 Chela, dorsal external and ventral views 9–10 Patella, dorsal and external views 11 Femur, dorsal view. Scale bars= 1 mm.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Pula, Kroatien
Døstrup ved Hobro, Jylland
Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Halil Koç, Wilson R. Lourenço
Figures 5–7.Buthus kunti sp. n. Female holotype 5 Metasomal segments V and telson, lateral aspect 6 Movable finger of pedipalp chela with rows of granules 7 Chelicera, dorsal aspect.
Michael M. Webber, Matthew R. Graham, Jef R. Jaeger
Figures 3–10.Trichobothrial patterns of Wernerius inyoensis sp. n. based on male holotype 3 Right pedipalp chela, external 4 Right pedipalp chela, ventral 5 Right pedipalp chela, internal 6 Right pedipalp femur, dorsal 7 Right pedipalp patella, dorsal 8 Right pedipalp patella, internal 9 Right pedipalp patella, ventral 10 Lateral aspect of metasomal segments IV and V, and telson.
Richard F. Ayrey, Michael M. Webber
Figure 3.Vaejovis brysonisp. n., paratype female with first instar juveniles.
Zhiyong Di, Xiaobo Xu, Zhijian Cao, Yingliang Wu, Wenxin Li
Figure 22.Habitus of Scorpiops langxian, male, holotype, dorsal view.
Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Gioele Tropea, Fatih Yeşilyurt
Figure 8.Sampling map of Euscorpius lycius sp. n. 1 Muğla, Faralya Village 2 Muğla, Babadağ Mountain 3 Antalya, Gömücü Village 4 Antalya, İkizce Village.
Figures 7–9.Chactas moreti sp. n., male holotype. 7 Chelicera, dorsal aspect 8 Disposition of granulation over the dentate margins of the pedipalp-chela movable finger 9 Metasomal segments V and telson, lateral aspect 10 Idem for Chactas mahnerti, male holotype (scale bars = 2 mm).
Carlos Eduardo Santibáñez-López
Figure 3.Diplocentrus franckei sp. n., dextral pedipalp chela, dorsoexternal aspect. A Holotype ♂ (CNAN) B Paratype ♀ (CNAN). Scale bar = 1 mm.
Maria Dulcinéia Sales dos Santos, Tiago Jordão Porto, Rejâne Maria Lira-da-Silva, Tania Kobler Brazil
Figure 12.Tityus kuryi (male): Lateral views of the metasoma and telson. Scale bars= 1 mm.
Pula, Kroatien
Udstilling Hobro
Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Halil Koç, Wilson R. Lourenço
Figures 8–12.Trichobothrial pattern of Buthus kunti sp. n., female holotype. 8–9 Chela, dorso-external and ventral aspects 10 Femur, dorsal aspect 11–12 Patella, dorsal and external aspects.
Michael M. Webber, Matthew R. Graham, Jef R. Jaeger
Figures 11–12.Dorsal aspect of right hemispermatophore: 11 Wernerius inyoensis sp. n. (dotted line indicates the ventral trough) 12 Wernerius spicatus (redrawn from Sissom (1993))
Richard F. Ayrey, Michael M. Webber
Figure 4.Vaejovis brysonisp. n., paratype male right hemispermatophore.
Zhiyong Di, Xiaobo Xu, Zhijian Cao, Yingliang Wu, Wenxin Li
Figures 35–38.Scorpiops langxian, male, holotype. Chela dorsal, external, ventral and internal aspects 39–42 Scorpiops langxian, female, paratype. Chela dorsal, external, ventral and internal aspects.
Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Gioele Tropea, Fatih Yeşilyurt
Figure 2.A telson of adult male B telson of adult female C sternopectinal area of adult male D sternopectinal area of adult female E ventral view of the metasomal segment V F lateral view of the metasomal segment V G tarsus and basitarsus H leg femur I I leg femur II J leg femur III K leg femur IV. (Scale bar=1 mm).
Figures 11–17.Trichobothrial pattern. 11–12, 14–17 Chactas moreti sp. n., male holotype 11–12 Chela, dorso-external and ventral aspects 13 Idem for Chactas mahnerti, male holotype 14–16 Patella, dorsal, external and ventral aspects 17 Femur, dorsal aspect (scale bars = 2 mm).
Carlos Eduardo Santibáñez-López
Figure 4.Diplocentrus franckei sp. n., habitus, dorsal (A, C) and ventral (B, D) aspect. A, B. Holotype ♂ (CNAN) C, D Paratype ♀ (CNAN). Scale bars = 5 mm.
Maria Dulcinéia Sales dos Santos, Tiago Jordão Porto, Rejâne Maria Lira-da-Silva, Tania Kobler Brazil
Figures 13–14.Hemispermatophore of Tityus kuryi (male MZUFBA 2570; Palmeiras, Bahia, Brazil): dorsal (1) and lateral (2) views. Scale bars= 1 mm
Pula, Kroatien