
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Aniuta ochroleuca

Alar expanse 12–13 mm.

Labial palpus pale ocherous white; second segment, except apex, fuscous on outer side; third segment fuscous apically. Antenna buffy brown; scape fuscous dorsally. Head white; scales around base of scape fuscous. Thorax ocherous white; tegula white except base fuscous. Forewing ground color ocherous white to white; base of costa fuscous; at apical third of costa a fuscous spot; in middle of cell an oblique fuscous dash and a spot of same color at end of cell; at middle, dorsally, a fuscous suffusion and a shade of similar color around termen; cilia ocherous white with a suffused grayish subbasal line. Hind wing white, pale buff distally; cilia pale buff. Foreleg ocherous white with fuscous suffusion on outer side; midleg similar; hind leg ocherous white with a suggestion of a few obscure grayish spots. Abdomen ocherous white, slightly darker posteriorly; not setose.

Male genitalia slides USMN 24121, 24238. Harpe ample, dorsal and ventral edges nearly parallel; cucullus rounded; sacculus produced distally as a sharp spine. Uncus broad basally, narrowed distally. Vinculum with saccus produced, V-shaped. Tegumen short, broad. Anellus a small rectangular plate with a broad median anterior arm; posterior corners of central plate articulated with elements of transtilla. Aedeagus rather slender except broadened proximally; cornuti absent.

Female genitalia slide USMN 24239. Ostium pear shaped. Antrum a sclerotized band. Inception of ductus seminalis near posterior end of ductus bursae. Ductus bursae very slender and sclerotized most of its length. Bursa copulatrix membranous. Signum a large, transverse, triangular, sclerotized plate with serrate anterior edge.


TYPE-LOCALITY.—Llanquihue, Peulla.

Described from the male holotype (9 Mar 1959, J. F. G. Clarke), 2 male and 2 female paratypes as follows: male, Peulla (7 Mar 1959); male, 2 females, Petrohue (10–12 Mar 1959), all from Llanquihue Province, collected by J. F. G. Clarke.
bibliographic citation
Clarke, J. F. Gates. 1978. "Neotropical Microlepidoptera, XXI : new genera and species of Oecophoridae from Chile." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-80. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.273