Longitude (deg): 1.0. Latitude (deg): 52.9. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 0' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 60' N. Vice county name: East Norfolk. Vice county no.: 27. Country: England. Identified by: Raymond Watson. Comment: on embankment. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Longitude (deg): 1.0. Latitude (deg): 52.9. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 0' E. Latitude (deg/min): 52° 60' N. Vice county name: East Norfolk. Vice county no.: 27. Country: England. Identified by: Raymond Watson. Comment: on embankment. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Hemel Hempstead Field Trip - Back to GadespringsHad another much anticipated trip back to Gadesprings, and was joined by Roger on a very mild night with increasing cloud cover, the clouds did look threatening and we were expecting rain soon after setting up, but as forecast the rain held off. We were hoping for some Wainscots, and we did get a few, well they were all Common Wainscots apart from one Bulrush Wainscot.Unfortunately the Garden Darts that I suspected that we had caught, all turned out to be just a variation of Square-spot Rustic, all looking slightly odd with extreme over-lapping of forewings.Best micro was Ypsolopha alpella a scarce moth in the southern part of Hertfordshire, it is a moth that I recorded on my parents farm for the first time in 2011.We were surprised with the good count of species for this time of year, 2 good conditioned Heart & Darts was a surprise and being dive-bombed by lots of Old Ladies was fun!All in all a good trip and well worth the effort of setting up 4 traps.Numbers below are approximate 29/08/13 - Gadesprings - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 8.20pm until 1.00am 98 Species in total56 Macro Moths & 42 Micro MothsMacro Moths1x Angle Shades8x Brimstone Moth1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Bulrush Wainscot1x Burnished Brass6x Centre-barred Sallow5x Common Carpet1x Common Footman2x Cloaked Minor2x Common Rustic8x Common Wainscot2x Common Wave5x Copper Underwing2x Dark Arches15x Dingy Footman2x Double-striped Pug1x Dun-bar1x Dusky Thorn8x Feathered Gothic1x Flame Carpet5x Flame Shoulder2x Flounced Rustic2x Garden Carpet5x Green Carpet2x Heart & Dart5x Large Yellow Underwing1x Least Yellow Underwing10x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing3x Lesser Yellow Underwing2x Lime-speck Pug1x Maiden's Blush1x Nut-tree Tussock8x Old Lady4x Orange Swift1x Phoenix1x Purple Bar1x Rosy Rustic1x Scalloped Oak1x Scorched Carpet4x Setaceous Hebrew Character1x Shuttle-shaped Dart1x Silver-Y1x Single-dotted Wave1x Small Fan-footed Wave1x Small Phoenix2x Small Square-spot2x Snout1x Spectacle25x Square-spot Rustic15x Straw Dot1x Tawny Speckled Pug1x Tree-lichen Beauty10x Vine's Rustic2x Willow Beauty4x Yellow Shell2x Yellow-barred BrindleMicro Moths1x Batrachedra praeangusta1x Cochylimorpha straminea1x Caloptilia robustella2x Argyresthia pruniella2x Pandemis heparana1x Agriphila tristella1x Acleris variegana1x Phycita roborella2x Catoptria falsella1x Cameraria ohridella2x Coleophora sp.1x Yponomeuta sp.2x Eudonia mercurella1x Prays fraxinella1x Prays ruficeps2x Scrobipalpa costella1x Chrysoteuchia culmella5x Limnaecia phragmitella2x Blastobasis adustella2x Ypsolopha scabrella1x Emmetia marginea1x Celypha lacunana8x Elachista maculicerusella1x Anthophila fabriciana1x Ypsolopha alpella1x Cataclysta lemnata5x Clepsis spectrana1x Bactra lancealana10x Pleuroptya ruralis1x Scythropia crataegella2x Emmelina monodactyla2x Pandemis corylana1x Cydia splendana1x Argyrotaenia ljungiana5x Epinotia nisella1x Epinotia immundana4x Agriphila geniculea2x Trachycera advenella2x Acleris laterana1x Agonopterix arenella1x Apotomis lineana1x Dichrorampha sp.
Braughing Farmland - East Herts
Cradley, Malvern, Worcs SO729470
Cradley, Malvern, Worcs. SO729470
Up before 5 to beat the Magpie!An absolutely super night mothing last night, judging by how many moths there were in the trap...granted most were Heart & Dart (40 to be exact) but the big surprise was no less han 22 new species for the year, under a clear moon-lit night I was quite shocked by this.The temperature this morning wasn't too bad either at 13 degrees.Scrobipalpa acuminatella was new for the garden, and it was nice to see both Broad-barred White and Varied Coronet again.The only catch is that I am completely shattered after waking up at 4:50am just to beat the same damn Magpie that keeps munching my catch every morning...it worked! But I suppose he is only taking advantage of the fact that every morning I have a huge round Robinson dinner plate for him and yes he has tried to get in it, on numerous occasions! Lets hope it stays dry for tonights field trip!Catch Report - 08/06/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths1x Snout [NFY]2x Clouded Silver [NFY]1x Green Carpet [NFY]2x Treble Brown Spot [NFY] 1x Green Pug [NFY]3x Grey Pug [NFY]1x Riband Wave [NFY]1x Cinnabar [NFY]1x Large Yellow Underwing [NFY]1x Broad-barred White [NFY]1x Varied Coronet [NFY]1x Cabbage Moth1x Treble Lines1x Spruce Carpet1x Buff-tip2x Rustic Shoulder-knot1x Nutmeg1x Common White Wave1x Flame4x Light Emerald2x Flame Shoulder4x Tawny Marbled Minor3x Marbled Minor1x Pale Mottled Willow6x Vine's Rustic40x Heart & Dart3x Common Pug3x Common Marbled Carpet3x Mottled Rustic2x Ingrailed Clay1x Common Footman2x Large Nutmeg1x Mottled Beauty2x Brimstone Moth2x Peppered Moth 4x Common Swift2x Setaceous Hebrew Character2x Brown Rustic1x Shuttle-shaped Dart1x Willow Beauty1x Bright-line Brown-eyeMicro Moths 1x Scrobipalpa acuminatella [NFG]1x Udea prunalis [NFY]3x Aphomia sociella [NFY] 1x Chrysoteuchia culmella [NFY]1x Tortrix viridana [NFY]1x Archips podana [NFY]1x Cnephasia sp [NFY]1x Aleimma loeflingiana [NFY]1x Ectoedemia decentella [NFY]1x Nemophora deegerella [NFY]1x Hedya nubiferana [NFY]5x Udea olivalis3x Epiphyas postvittana 1x Plutella xylostella1x Evergestis forficalis2x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana4x Ephestia parasitella3x Scoparia ambigualis3x Celypha lacunana