
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Elachista enitescens Braun (Figs. 31, 47, 96, 96a, 136.)
1921. Elachista enitescens Braun, Ohio Journ. Sci., xxi, 207. Type $, near
Cincinnati, Ohio [A. F. B. Coll.]. 1923. Aphelosetia enitescens Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta.,
p. 221.
Palpi and entire head dark leaden metallic, almost black; antennae grayish black throughout. Thorax and base of fore wing leaden metallic, with a reddish and purplish luster which is most decided at base of dorsum, where the leaden color is sometimes replaced by metallic golden or silvery scales like those of the fascia and spots. Fore wing dark brown, faintly shining; an oblique silvery or golden metallic fascia with reddish and purplish luster before the middle of the wing, broader in its dorsal half and sometimes produced outwardly below the fold ; at two-thirds a silvery or golden metallic costal and an opposite dorsal spot; beyond them in the middle of the wing near the tip a silvery or golden spot. These markings in some directions of light show a distinctly bluish luster. Cilia gray, with the apical scales forming a dark line through them. Hind wings dark brown, broader in male. Legs dark gray, hind tarsi paler tipped. Abdomen dark gray, underside yellowish.
Alar expanse : 7 to 8 mm.
Male genitalia (figs. 96, 96a) : uncus lobes with short stiff setae near the outer margins ; gnathos knob-shaped ; free outgrowth of harpe reduced, sacculus processes erect, more slender than in madarella, and much exceeding the lateral arms of the anellus ; anellus broad, lateral arms of lobes short with a few setae apically; vinculum with mid-ventral sclerotization (as in madarella) ; aedeagus three-lobed at base, middle lobe truncate; a blunt projection near apex, apex acutely acuminate ; no cornutus.
Female genitalia (fig. 136): genital plate specialized, narrowly strongly sclerotized along anterior border, without median projection into the depressed membranous area in which the small ostium opens; lateral lines broadly curving from ostium; dorsal posterior margin of eighth segment fringed with long setae ; bursa copulatrix very small, spicules scattered ; signuni a small dentate patch; ductus bursae tapering to ostium, inception of ductus seminalis near ostium.
Specimens examined: 3 6,4 9.
Ohio: near Cincinnati, £ type, rearing record B.1036, imago June 8, 1920; 2 6,29 paratypes, under B.1036, imagoes May 13 to June 7; 1 9, "on Scirpus," June 8, 1921 ; Clermont County, 1 2. under B.1036, imago June 14, 1922 [A. F. B. Coll.].
In March and early April, the partially grown larvae are mining" the old overwintering leaves of the bulrush, Scirpus atrovirens Muhl. ; later the larva enters a new leaf at its base; the mine extends from the base of the leaf upward and may be four or five inches in length. The larvae feed only at night, retiring during the day to the base of the leaf, sometimes beneath the surface of the water. The larva is yellow with a pair of ill-defined irregular dark patches on the prothoracic shield posteriorly.
Pupation takes place over the midrib, beneath a flat cocoon (fig. 31 ) consisting of two series of obliquely placed parallel silk threads, crossing one another at an acute angle. The pupa (fig. 47) is very similar to that of madarella, but lacks the delicate sculpturing of the mesothorax and tubercles of the vertex.
E. enitescens differs from madarella in the wholly dark antennae, and in genitalic characters in both sexes. 88 NORTH AMERICAN TiLACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA)
bibliographic citation
Braun, A.F. 1948. Elachistidae of North America (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 13. Philadelphia, USA